Chapter Three

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"John?!" I shrieked and looked up at the man as he glared down at me.

"Where is he?" He spat stridently, still giving me the coldest glare.

"W-who?" I glared back at him, standing up fully, my back pressed against the wall.

"Alex." he snarled.

"Why would I know where Alex is? I thought he was going to school with you in New York after what happened." I turned my gaze to the ground. Alex, John and I had had a fallout when I went to school with them.

"He ran off after he got a text." He pulled out what seemed to be Alex's phone out of his back pocket. "We traced the number, which led back to you."

"That's nonsense." I shook me head. "The last time I spoke to Alex was when-"

"Don't you dare say it." He cut me off.

"Okay, fine." I sighed, stepping forward as John began to pace. "But I never sent Alex a text, here I'll show you." I felt my pockets for my phone, but there was nothing there. "Uh-Oh." I said, followed by quiet cursing.

"Alright, where is it?" He turned his attention back to me. 

"I-Uh-What?" I gave a fake smile, hoping he was talking about something else.

"Your phone." he sighed. "Prove to me that your'e not the douche that texted Alex."

"I-Um... There might be a problem with that." My fake smile faded.

"How so?"

"Well, you see-um." I shuffled my feet. "I lost it." I mumbled and looked down.

"Speak up Jefferson." he sighed once again.

"I lost it." I looked back at him.

Johns eyes filled with rage as he grabbed the collar of my shirt. "Find it." He let go before storming off.


I walked back into the school, still shaken up and confused about the whole thing. James, Charles, Samuel, and George were all lined up at my locker waiting for me.

"Thomas!" Three of the four squealed. Charles just stood there, unamused. 

"Where have you been?" Samuel asked, stepping forward.

"Are you okay?" James asked, stepping in front of Samuel.

"You look like hell." George stepped in front of James.

"Guys please." Charles stepped in front of them all. "Thomas is fine. He doesn't have any broken bones, or major wounds. He's just a bit shaken up about something." He turned his gaze to me. "Isn't that right Thomas."

I nodded, now even more confused.

"Sam, James, George, why don't you run down to the nurses office real quick and get our friend here an ice pack?" He said calmly as the three nodded. "Thomas and I will stay back here and have a quick chat about what happened."

With another nod, the three hustled away, and as they turned the corner Charles turned to me, and slid something in my hand.

My phone.

Would I Be Enough? (Modern Jeffmads)Where stories live. Discover now