Missons for Minato

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     It was finally time for a long needed break. After countless smaller missions for me, and Naruto finally meeting Sasuke again after 3 years, it took its toll on both of us. I joined his mission and faced Orochimaru, Kabuto, and Sasuke. On this broken down bridge in the middle of nowhere, sadly this didn't end as we hoped and Sasuke was lost once more. Naruto still bummed about another failure.

I sat on my bed staring at the ceiling and listening to music through some earbuds. My wounds healed and I was just going through it all in my head, seeing what I could've done different in the battles. Naruto used some Shadow Clones to read scrolls on some Jutsus we found, and he was reading Jirayia's new book Icha Icha: Love Fest. Naruto hated those books but it helped him understand that gross old man a little better. Pervy Sage wasn't a bad guy. He was awesome.

A story comes to mind, earlier in our journeys Jiraya asked me to accompany him for training, though my stubbornness turned it down. I do regret not having the opportunity Naruto had to leave the village but Jiraya would've drove me mad. Thank god I have Naruto back in one piece though.

      Our downtime consisted of getting Naruto's ramen and my sushi. We just shackled ourselves inside the house for days, to an extent just going through everything that happened and trying to unwind. It came to a sudden stop on August 27th, two days before the annual Hokage Festival. On this day we remember our ninja, leaders, and the history of our village. Each clan has their own floats and every street is lined with venders, food, and masks. The children dress up as ninjas and are sent on a scavenger hunt. All ninja missions are halted, they are brought home to honor the day.

       Usually this day would like any normal day for the ANBU. We never usually got off, so this was a strange event. But this year Lady Tsunade gave me off to stay with Naruto. Though she called us in for a meeting at 8 the morning on August 28th. She said that she had something important for us.


      It was a wet and cloudy day in Konoha. Around this time it was rare not to find people on the streets. People should be packing the ally's and paths, carts and wagons should be lined up to enter the village, and children should be playing outside. Instead it was only a few people in ponchos trying to get early preparations for the festival tomorrow. Naruto and I stood under our leaking porch, watching the rain fall down while he drank his green tea and I downed coffees.

"You know that shit will kill you one day. When did you even start drinking coffee?"

        "I can't exactly remember, must've been after you left. I couldn't stand the smell the apartment. It smelled like, well you. So I had to get rid of that nasty stench." I replied while laughing. I could tell I annoyed him a bit. He scoffed and looked inside to see the clock. "I guess we have to get going, you ready asshole?" He said as he looked back at me. At that moment both of us nodded and ran off, leaving our drinks on the table next to us.

       We finally reached the Hokage Tower and walked inside the office to see Lady Tsunade, Jirayia-Sensei, Boss Toad, Kakashi-Sensei, and the Clan Elders. Naruto and I stood side by side staring at the crowd that waited for us inside the office. "So are all these people here to read us stories, or did Naruto do something stupid while he was gone that we need to fix?" I said trying to break this strange tension. Lady Tsunade looked at Naruto and I, then motioned for us to sit on the couch to our left. I walked over and sat with one leg on the other, Naruto stood behind me leaning on the couch.

    "Boys, you two are both 16. We, as a council, decided that it was time to show you....these."
Lady Tsunade said before she reached into her desk and grabbed out 10 scrolls all with "Fourth Hokage" written on the side. The tops of them each had numbers besides the scroll on top with a gold trim. Pervy Sage then decided to speak as she handed them to me. "You boys have had a rough childhood, sadly I couldn't intervene until Naruto met me while I was...doing research for my books. I know...." Tsunade struck him on the head and an angry look on her face "CUT IT OUT IM TRYING TO EXPLAIN TO THEM ABOUT THEIR PARENTS!" He then turned bright red and looked down at the ground before gathering himself to speak again.

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