16 Years

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I walked along the familiar path to the train station, only this time alone. Its been two years since Hansol went away to train as an idol, and I still haven't gotten use to it. This road we use to take together just feels more and more unfamiliar and lonely every time I walk it.

We still keep in touch but I think we both know it's not the same. We don't get to see each other every day and sometimes we don't even have time to talk in a day because he's so busy.

I understand though, I do. I'm happy that he has this great opportunity in front of him and I wish him the best. But I didn't realise how much this would affect me.

It was spring and the cherry blossoms were finally blooming. They were my favourite. Walking underneath them, I held out my hand to catch a petal on my hand. I made a mental note to tell Hansol about them. They were his favourites too. Like the sky, he said they reminded him of me.

I stopped, taking out my phone to get a picture of them. I took one of the petal on my hand then took one of the cherry blossoms surrounding me.

"Hana!" I heard a familiar voice call out to me.

I turned around and saw one of my good friends running towards me. I smiled at her as she approached me slightly out of breath from the running she had to do to catch up to me.

"Hey Eun-Ji, had a good run?" I asked, laughing slightly.

"I saw you from back there." She pointed behind her still catching her back. "Wanted to catch up and see what you were doing." She stood up straight now looking at me.

"I was just taking photos of the cherry blossoms." I gestured to my phone.

"They're really pretty. Are the photos for Hansol?" She asked slightly tilting her head. 

I became friends with her when I was about 12 so she knew both me and Hansol. Though we were never as close due to me and Hansol spending all our time together.

I just nodded and smiled at her.

"Here." She said taking my phone. "I'll get a photo of you with the cherry blossoms."

"Oh no." I said suddenly embarrassed. "I'm not very good at photos." 

"Don't worry about it!" She reassured me. "Just stand right there okay." She took a few steps back. "And smile!"

I looked at the camera and smiled, doing as she said. 

"Are you done yet?" I chuckled as she seemed to be taking a while. I looked to the side to hide my laughing. "Okay, I think that's enough."

I walked back over to her  and she excitedly showed me the photos. "You look so pretty Hana, Hansol is gonna love these!"

"Thanks Eun-Ji." 

"Anytime!" She smiled at me. "Are you headed to the train station?" I nodded in reply. "Me too! lets walk together."

We walked the rest of the way together in casual chit chat, even making plans to have a sleepover at hers tomorrow night since it was Friday. I parted ways with her at her stop and continued to walk to my own house alone.

"i'm home." I called, taking off my shoes and headed towards the kitchen where a delightful smell followed.

"You're home later than usual, did you have a good day at school?" My mum turned around from where she stood cooking on the stove top.

"I bumped into Eun-Ji, I'm probably gonna stay at hers tomorrow night if that's okay." I pulled a chair out at the table and took a seat. "And school was usual."

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