14 Years

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A/N: This ones a bit shorter sorry but the next chapter is likely to be longer :))

"Just wait till we're older Hansol, it'll be so much better then."

I walked on a ledge, only a meter or so above the ground where Hansol walked alongside me. My arms out to the side in attempt to keep me balanced.

"Why do you wanna grow up so bad Hana?"

I didn't expect to see Hansol again after that day 7 years ago, but I was pleasantly surprised when I saw him come running over to the swing-set with a bunch of daisy's he picked from the ground. He's been my best friend ever since. 

He still had his same messy brown hair and bright smile. He was still skinny and taller than me too, though I knew in a few years he would only get taller and fill out more.

I jumped down from the ledge losing my balance slightly only to have Hansol swiftly pull me back up. I smiled at him in thanks and continued to walk next to him.

"Because, then we can do whatever we want! No school, more fun, more -"

"Responsibilities." Hansol cut me off.

"Well no need to be so negative." I grumbled.

"I'm sorry." He slung his arm around my shoulder. "I know you like the idea of being older, cause you're weird like that." I slapped his arm off at that comment causing him to laugh at me. "I'm just trying to say you should relax, live in the now. We have plenty of time to be old."

I looked at Hansol with a smile. "ahh If only I could be as relaxed and chilled out as you." 

He rolled his eyes at me. "yeah yeah." He said pulling me towards a familiar cart. "Usual please." Hansol spoke to the food cart man while I looked out at the bustling crowd around us.

"You know, I really do envy you." I spoke.

"Why?" Hansol said in confusion, handing me my food as he took a bite from his.

"You can do anything." He just rolled his eyes at my comment as we continued to walk along the familiar streets.

"I'm serious Hansol! You're smart, you can dance, you're pretty good with all your music stuff, you're good at sports, you're creative and you're pretty good looking." I said the last part pinching his cheeks.

He continued to eat as if he didn't hear a word and ignored my pinching of his cheeks.

"Are you even listening to me!" I exclaimed hitting the back of his head, earning a glare from him.

"Yes yes Hana, I know you find me attractive, it's only a matter of time before you confess your love to me." He said sarcastically.

I laughed at him. "You wish. I knew your looks were getting to your head."

We made it to the train station and sat outside it on a bench. This was the usual for us. After school, we'd walk together to the bus station stopping by the food markets and grabbing some food. Then we'd sit on this bench and eat it while we waited for our train to arrive.

I had already finished my food before him, surprisingly, and was still feeling a little bit peckish. 

"What did you get?" I peered over at his food.

"The usual." He said in between mouth fulls. "And no you can't have any."

I pouted and crossed my arms in a huff. "I still don't like you."

Hansol started laughing, almost choking on his food in the processes. "You've been saying that since you were seven Hana and yet you're still here."

"Shut up." I nudged him.

It didn't take long for his attention to be distracted elsewhere and I quickly used this time to sneak a bit of his food. Quietly I moved my chopsticks over to get a piece. I laughed evilly inside my head as I picked a piece of meat up.

"Hey!" My chopsticks were hit down by his and the meat fell back onto his plate. "That's mine!" Hansol pulled his plate closer.

"Please?" I begged trying my best puppy dog look.

He stared at me for what felt like minutes before sighing and finally giving in. "Fine."

"Yay!" I cheered. 

I opened my mouth as he placed the meat inside with his chopsticks. I chewed happily. "This is good, I should get it next time."

"Yes you should, then you won't have to scab of me every time." 

"I promise Hansol, when we're older, I'll buy you all the meat you want!" I held my pinky out.

"What if you're homeless." He said casually with a straight face.

"That'll never happen cause I have you and you'll look after me." I leaned on his shoulder and smiled up at him. "We'll always have each other to lean on."

He stared back at me with the same straight face. "What if i'm homeless too?" 

I sat up straight again and stared blankly at him. "You're face will save us." I patted his cheek.

He shook his head and laughed lightly. "You know, for someone who wants to grow up so badly, you haven't really figured out much."

"Shut up! C'mon, our train will be here soon." I stood up.

Hansol stood up, and jogged over to the bin to chuck our plates away as I waited by the steps up to the train station. As he was walking back, a woman and a man stopped him in his tracks. Confused, I wanted to get closer to hear what was going on but didn't want to intrude. So instead I waited impatiently for him to come back.

5 minutes later and he was jogging back over to me a mix of confusion and happiness crossed his face.

"What happened?" I asked immediately as we walked towards our train.

"I think I just got street casted?" He said more of a question.

"Hansol, that's great!"I hugged him.

"Yeah... Yeah it is.. right?" He looked at me for an answer.

"Of course it is!"

We stepped on the train, and it finally seemed to sink into Hansol what just happened.

"Will you come home with me to tell my parents?" He asked in excitement.

I nodded my head happily. "I told you your face would come in handy one day."

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