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A/N: Heads up, italics are their thoughts


His head shot up immediately at the voices that were becoming all too familiar for his liking - The voices of angry hyungs.

"Sorry." Hansol stammered snapping out of his thoughts and getting back in starting position.

Soonyoung gave the younger boy an odd look that he couldn't quite figure out before turning back to the front. "Okay from the top." He said.

The music started and thirteen boys began the choreography again.

Hansol tried to keep his thoughts on the choreography, tried to keep thinking about the steps, which move was next, where does he go next. But as hard as he tried, he couldn't. His mind kept drifting somewhere else. It kept drifting towards her.
A familiar brunette danced around his mind constantly, distracting him from work, keeping him up at night.

It wasn't anything in particular, it was everything.

Ever since that night he stayed over at hers, the amount of times he thought about her multiplied and the feelings he had for her intensified.

He was so intrigued by her and he always seemed to want to be near her. It had always been like that for him, since the beginning of their friendship.

Her hazel eyes had him mesmerized, so soft and delicate. She had this one dimple in her left cheek that he loved and was only visible when she really smiled. And when she did, her smile brightened up a room. Even her hair, so messy and untamed, but he couldn't help but want to play with it.

Hansol always knew she was different to other girls - At least that's how he saw her.

These thoughts had always been with him so he couldn't understand why he was always thinking about them, why everything felt different all of a sudden. He had always thought of her like this because she was his best friend and he loved her.

"Okay I think that's enough for today." He heard Soonyoung yell out.

Hansol cursed under his breath, realising that he had once again zoned out during practice. He walked away from where most of the boys had congregated and started chatting, and instead sat down on a chair over in the other corner. He sat with his face in his hands, elbows resting on his knees to keep him up. Mentally, he threw curse words at himself to get a grip and concentrate, though he knew just doing that wouldn't help much.

Hansol heard the scrape of a chair as it landed in front of him, and felt the presence of someone sitting down on that chair. He took his face out of his hands and looked up to be met with Soonyoung.

"I'm sorry I keep messing up the choreography hyung." Hansol breathed out.

Soonyoung shook his head and just kept looking at Hansol with a concerned look on his face.

"What's wrong?" The older boy finally asked.

"It's nothing, just haven't been able to concentrate. I'm sorry, I'll work harder." Hansol apologised.

Soonyoung sighed before speaking again. "I know it's not nothing Hansol. Its rare that you mess up at dance practice, but lately you've been messing up a lot."

Hansol's eyes looked to the side, feeling slightly guilty.

"Even if it's just something small and silly, you can still tell me. Maybe I'll be helpful."

Hansol thought for a minute. Unsure of whether he should confide in his hyung and whether or not this was even a problem worth confiding in. The whole situation just confused him, and with that final thought, he made his decision.

"It's Hana."



Her head shot up immediately at the voices that were becoming all too familiar for her liking - The voice of an angry teacher.

"Sorry." Hana stammered snapping out of her thoughts and focusing her eyes back to the board at the front of the classroom.

Hana began jotting down the notes on the board as her teachers voice filled the room.

Her pencil stopped as she read over her notes once more. Hana grabbed her textbook from her bag and placed it on the desk. Opening it to the correct page written on the board, she began reading the questions, lightly tapping her chin with her pencil.

What will happen to the market equilibrium if there is an increase in consumers income?

I sure wouldn't mind an in increase in my income, Hana hummed.

Maybe I could go on holiday somewhere pretty. A break from school would be so nice she thought.

Hana's mind began to drift away from her school work once again and instead she was back to daydreaming.

Her thoughts took her where they always take her.

Maybe I could take Hansol on a holiday.

She turned her head towards the large window she sat next to, displaying the green field, gravelled footpath and wooden benches.

She dreamed about the places they could go, the things they would do, they would see.

She thought about how his smile would beam so brightly at the sight of New York during Christmas, exposing his little vampire teeth she found adorable. The pretty lights that were hung up everywhere, shining in blue, purple, gold, white. How his eyes would scrunch up slightly from smiling too much.
She laughed in her head as she imagined Hansol pulling her through the snow just to go take a photo with a blow up Santa. But also how he would be so excited he'd find some way to be clumsy and hurt either himself or her in the process. How he would apologise profusely and rub the spot he hurt, making sure she was okay.
Hana pictured snowflakes falling delicately on his head. The cold giving his cheeks a pink tint as he pulled down on his beanie a bit more, securing the warmth around him. She could see him doing the same thing to her before warming up her hands with his and leading them into a small but heated cafe for hot chocolates where they could just talk.

A weird tingly feeling ran up her spine all of a sudden, causing her to shiver and shake out of her thoughts.

Her thoughts all seemed nice, but different somehow. They had promised to go on holiday together one day so she couldn't quite figure out why it suddenly felt different thinking about the trips they would take.

He was her best friend and she loved him. It had always been like that since they were 8.

She had always enjoyed Hansol's company, the time they spent together.

Maybe that was it, she thought. Maybe it's because I don't get to spend as much time with him anymore and I miss it. That's why it feels different all of a sudden.

She went over those thoughts again and again in her head, making sure that was the reason for her intensified and different feelings towards him.

Hana looked back at her textbook that held empty answers, sort of how she was feeling, and frowned.
Thoughts rushed through her head before she finally sighed and put down her pencil

I need to talk Eun-Ji

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