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Peering out from behind the curtain, Hana waited impatiently. The ticking sound from the clock seemed to get louder and louder and it only drove her more insane.

"Hurry up Hansol Chwe, I'm getting impatient." She whispered to herself.

He was finally back again, only for a few days, but he was back after so long. Hansol decided to spend the first days with his family before promising to see his best friend.

She was excited, the time apart had been even longer than last time and she was determined to make this day one to remember. They would be reunited again, at last!

She was also happy that once he arrived everything could go back to normal, including her confused feelings she held towards him.

Suddenly, Hana caught glimpse of a familiar car at the end of her road. She followed it with her eyes as it stopped right in front of her house. Her stomach filled with butterflies as she waited with anticipation for him to get out of the car.

She quirked her head to the side as unfamiliar dark locks came into view. It wasn't until the boy stood up straight that she recognised him. He stood tall, even taller than before, back facing her as he waved out to the car that just drove off. His lean stature prominent under his hoodie. He turned towards the house, a smile plastered on his face. Her heart stopped for a second.

Hana ran to the door before she even saw him start walking towards it. Flinging it open, she stood there, arms cross, attempting her best angry face.

"You're late." 

Hansol couldn't hold back his laugh, watching the smaller girl try to look mean was something hilarious to him. 

"You know, after being away so long I expected a better greeting." He joked.

"Well maybe if you came on time you wouldn't have missed you're coming home celebration." She turned her head up from him.

"Celebration?" Hansol took a step closer. "And what celebration would that have been?" He asked, though he was sure of the answer already.

"Well" She drawled. "I had a balloon on a string that said 'Happy Birthday' and everything! But it popped before you got here."

Hansol laughed. "Its not my birthday."

"Hey be appreciative! Besides, they didn't have any other balloons at the supermarket." Hana pouted.

"So can I come in and celebrate with you and my popped balloon?" Hansol chuckled.

"No sorry, you didn't make it in time." She spoke, straight faced.

Looking at the poor boy pout, the smile slowly crept onto her face before she could even try to suppress it. 

Hana ran and engulfed Hansol in a hug before he could even realise what was going on. The sweet scent of him filled the air, relaxing her into his embrace. It felt comfortable, welcoming, and like she could stay that way forever.

Shaking the thoughts from her mind, she spoke quietly. "I was only kidding by the way."

Hansol chuckled, pulling her in tighter. "I know you were dork."

Hansol pulled back but left his hands lingering around her waist. He was caught off guard slightly by how close their faces were, causing his cheeks to flush a deep red. Hansol broke apart and fumbled with something in his pocket so that she wouldn't see him blushing.

"I uh, got you a present." He said pulling out a small box from his pocket, finally feeling the heat leave his face to look up at her. "Actually I got you a couple things, this is just one of them."

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