Chapter 1 : A New Beginning

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Continued from the end of  -Part I-

Continued from the end of  -Part I-

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Weizhou and Liang walked side by side along the school ground. Liang carefully studied his boyfriend. He noticed a distinct difference in how Weizhou carried himself. They had left as soon as Weizhou returned to the hall where the movie screening was taking place.

"So what's on your mind?" Liang asked as they continued to walk.

Weizhou had been struggling to craft an explanation and figure out how to voice his decision. Soon he realized that he should just stick with the facts or else he might end up causing more damage than necessary.

"Li...I...cheated on you."

Liang was not sure if he heard correctly. "Weizhou" and "cheat" were two words he could not even imagine putting in the same sentence. In his eyes, Weizhou was the epitome of innocence. Perhaps he was blinded by his affection for him but he believed that Weizhou was incapable of hurting anyone. 

"Wha-.....when.." was all Liang could mutter.

Weizhou hesitated. "It was ...on Friday before the last.. It was just a kiss okay.."

Liang took sharp breaths. "It was him wasn't it?"

Weizhou's lips trembled as he silently watched Liang's pain-stricken eyes.

"He had the audacity to act all high and mighty after kissing my boyfriend!" Liang fumed. Weizhou was not surprised that he instantly blamed the other party instead of Weizhou.

"No Li it was after the dinner..and was...umm.. I kissed him first."

Liang scoffed bitterly. "Stop trying to defend him. You'd never do that."

"I did! I initiated it, not him." Weizhou repeated helplessly.

Liang looked away unable to process it. "You actually....cheated on me." he uttered more to himself.

"Li..I'm so sorry, I didn-"

"I know he's been playing mind games with you." Liang cut in. Then he was lost in thought for a long moment. "I don't know what he must have done to get you to slip up, but Weizhou...I can get over it. Just give me time. I'm not giving up."

Weizhou was at a loss for words. This was not how he had thought things would pan out.

"I know it was just a stupid mistake. I only wish you had told me sooner." Liang inched closer. "Why didn't you?"

Weizhou swallowed, still struggling to figure out how to react.

"Ok I know... since it's an insignificant one-time thing, you decided it wasn't worth mentioning. I get it." He studied Weizhou's vulnerable expression. "My sweet boy.., but keeping it from me all this time must have been bugging the hell out of you."

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