Chapter 10 : It's time!

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One and a half days passed without Weizhou and JingYu contacting each other despite living a walking distance away from each other. Weizhou found himself wishing that the summer vacation was over already just so he could go back to school and immerse himself in studies. He received several messages from Liang, just checking in to see if he was alright. He simply replied with a "Yes thanks."

On the second day, he decided to pay Wang a visit with a plan in mind.


"Now?!" Wang bellowed after hearing Weizhou's request.

"Yes!" Weizhou insisted. "I promise it'll be real quick. And I'll buy you a delicious snack on the way back!"

Wang was never one to turn down such an offer; hence he joined Weizhou to head out of town. They hailed a taxi to their intended destination, following Wang's directions.

The taxi stopped in front of the studio where JingYu was supposedly employed at. It looked like a relatively prominent place. The two got off and walked in. There was a lady at the reception desk.

"Good afternoon! How may I help you?" She inquired warmly.

" anyone called Huang JingYu work here?" Weizhou asked.

She thought for a second before responding. "Yes indeed., but if I'm not mistaken, he did not come in today."

Wang and Weizhou looked at each other. Weizhou wondered whether he could actually go through with asking the next question.

"What kind of work does he do?" Wang asked, after deciding to help his friend out with his shameless bluntness.

The lady's expression changed to a doubtful one. "Well..he assists our main photographer... I'm sorry, but perhaps you should just talk to Mr.Xing directly."

Wang ignored her suggestion. "Does he take part in photo shoots too?"

She gave a look of confusion.

"As a model?" Wang added.

She seemed to internally roll her eyes. "I work at this desk. I wouldn't know if or when he does that...,though with his looks I wouldn't be surprised if he was doing it."

She was completely oblivious to the death glare she just received from Weizhou.

"Let's go." Weizhou whispered in Wang's ear.

"Well we'll be going then." Wang announced to the lady. "Thanks for your cooperation!" He smiled exaggeratedly before walking out with Weizhou.


Liang and Kim were out having a snack that day. Kim could not help noticing the smug look Liang had since they met up that that evening.

"What's gotten into you today?" Kim finally voiced his curiosity.

Liang simply smirked at him.

"This better not have anything to do with Weizhou!" Kim commented.

"I think he's finally coming to his senses." Liang said confidently.

Kim narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean?"

"Couple of days ago I witnessed them bickering firsthand."

" in Weizhou and JingYu?"

Liang nodded. "They haven't even been together that long and they are already fighting like this! Weizhou and I hardly had such disputes when we were together."

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