Chapter 6 : Darn Distance!

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Mr.Chang was asked to join Mr and Mrs.Xu for tea on Wednesday evening. He could sense that something was up the very moment he received the invitation. Contrary to his expectations, the relationship of Weizhou and his nephew had only caused a rift in his friendship with the Xu family.

Once he arrived, they indulged in small talk for a while. However it was clear to Chang, that Mrs.Xu had something on her mind.

Eventually she cut to the chase.

"I ran into one of my old friends from the school staff the other day. She talked about our kids. One thing in particular has me concerned." Mrs.Xu explained thoughtfully.

Chang's instincts warned him where this was going. "What is it?"

"Well...she told me that JingYu has been slacking off a lot."

Chang stiffened. "What did she say exactly?" He desperately wanted to ask why that person mentioned these things to Mrs.Xu in the first place.

"She didn't elaborate much but she believes that although he's more than capable of doing well in studies, he just doesn't make an actual effort... and apparently his attendance is below the required level."

Mr.Xu studied his friend who seemed slightly irritated. "Listen Chang, I know this is really not any of our business, but from a friend to friend and parent to parent, although you're not technically his real parent, I believe that it's good to keep you informed."

"Maybe you should inform his mother." Mrs.Xu suggested.

"If his mother had it under control, would she have sent JingYu to Chang in the first place?" Mr.Xu asked his wife.

Mrs.Xu kept silent.

"I'll talk to him." Mr.Chang spoke finally. "You folks don't have to look into it anymore." Its underlying meaning was. 'Mind your damn business'

Mrs.Xu straightened. "Chang, don't get me wrong but as Weizhou's parents this concerns us because it seems he's very serious about his relationship with JingYu."

"And you think JingYu isn't?" Chang questioned accusingly.

"What do you think? If he was serious, wouldn't he act more responsibly? Wouldn't he focus on graduating from high school? This is his last year after all."

Mr.Chang seemed to have admitted defeat.

Mrs.Xu continued, "It may seem like I'm only concerned about my son, but I'm genuinely concerned about this kid's future."

"I understand." Mr.Chang nodded. "I'm gonna do what needs to be done."


Thursday night, Wang was lazing around when he received a call from Weizhou.

"Yo! Calling to check whether I'm still alive?" He said.

"Pffft. I know you're always alive and kicking." Weizhou snorted.

Then Wang went onto inquire about the camp and Weizhou filled him in with all the juicy details.

"Something tells me that you didn't call be because you've been dying to hear my voice." Wang joked afterwards.

Weizhou giggled. "Well...."


"Um...I need your advice regarding something." Weizhou admitted.

"Hit me. I'm bet this is about JingYu."

Weizhou smiled. "You know me too well.. So here's the thing... I kind of didn't tell him that my roommates include Li."

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