Chapter 15 : Letting in

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[A/N  :   Hi guys, I'm back with an update. This was written a couple of months back. Currently I'm working on the last chapter of part II of this story. Thanks for your patience with this story.  Thanks for your comments and votes. I'm not very good at expressing myself but I'm really grateful for your support. ❤️❤️ ]



While JingYu was out, Chang was at the store busy with his usual tasks when a visitor with a familiar appearance entered. The man nervously looked around the store before finally noticing Chang.

They held eye contact for a drawn-out moment, before the man decided to approach Chang.

"You're back." Chang spoke first. His demeanor was hostile.

At first the man was confused but he came to a realization soon after. "You got my wallet?"

"No. If you're about to pretend that you left it by mistake, don't even bother."

The main inhaled deeply. "Where is he..?"

"He's out. Probably with his boyfriend." Chang answered casually.

The man could not hide his surprise upon hearing his words.

"Yep, there's a lot you don't know about him." Chang added bitterly.

There was a soft look in the man's eyes.

"What do you want Lei?"  Chang cut to the chase.

"I just.. wanted to see him..and.."

"Oh... so after like 16 years you finally decided that you wanna see him?"


"He's a good kid but.., right now... he's a mess. And I don't want you coming here and making it worse for him." Chang's tone was stern.

"He's my son." The man's voice wavered.

"He has no interest in getting to know a father who abandoned him. Don't come here again unless you want to put him in a tough position.."

"I just want a chance to make it right.."

"You have the worst timing!"

"Chang, I do respect the fact that you're looking out for him.. but it is up to him to decide whether he wants to meet me or not." . Lei folded his arms.

Chang could see where JingYu got his stubbornness from.

"Do you know that your son doesn't give a shit about graduating from high school?" Chang asked.

Lei pondered over his words. "I'm sure he has his reasons."

Chang scoffed. "See this is exactly why I don't want you around him! I don't want him turning out like you!"

The man did not seem to have taken any offense. "Yes I did not finish high school. But I run a successful business, so I'd say I turned out alright." He responded calmly.

"Don't you want better for JingYu?? I do though he's not even my son."

"Of course I do."

Chang seemed unconvinced.

"Look I don't know what you think but your sister is the one who drove me away. I didn't abandon them of my own will." Lei pointed out.

Chang frowned. "Why should I believe that..?"

"You don't have to believe me. Just ask your sister. I bet she gave you a different story."

"If you cared about your son, would you have just left so easily even if she wanted you to? You suddenly want to get to know him... probably just cause you're lonely."

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