There's always tomorrow-Chapter 19

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             Selena's POV

I haven't gotten any sleep at night. I actually feel like shit. And i probably look like shit too. Ugh...i am gonna be so late. And i have English for my first class. And i have to meet random ass people behind school. What do they want from me? Why me?

Should i tell someone about the letter? I really don't know. I want to tell my squad, i really do but i don't want them worrying about me. I don't want them to get in trouble or something...And i am also sure that they have their own problems so yeah...i'll keep that a secret...for now. I may tell Justin later though.

I took a quick shower and got dressed. I wasn't really thinking about what my vibes for today were so i just went with a white dress with pattern and with brown-ish high-heels.

"Goodbye mom!" I waved at her and she waved back smiling. A few minutes later the bus arrived and dropped me of in front of school. I sighed and started walking towards english class. I checked the time and almost chocked. I was late. I was 15 minutes late.



It's not the first time i was late for class but i still find it annoying...and awkward.

I felt unease rise in my stomach. I absolutely hated when you walked in class and everyone looked at you like you came in dressed in a penguin costume. Even though...that sounds like something i would do.

I knocked and opened the door. As expected everyone's gazes snapped toward me. I could feel my heart beating faster than usual. Mr.Wilson looked at me-not really surprised that i was late.

"Sit down Gomez." He said, emotion drained from his face and voice.

I nodded quickly and sat behind Justin. He turned around slightly and i could see him smirking with playful eyes. When the teacher wasn't paying attention to what was happening in class, he dropped crumbled up paper on my table.

I gave him a questioning look but he just smiled and turned back to his previous position.

I could feel someone watching me so i looked next to me. I rolled my eyes when i saw Gigi wiggling her eyebrows at me. I could feel a pink blush on my cheeks, so i tried covering it up with my hair. Then i secretly opened up a paper Justin gave me earlier.


       Late for class again?
           Bad, bad girl!

From:Sexy man sitting in front of you.

I tried so hard not to chuckle when i turned a little peace of paper around to write a reply.

I wrote:

The bus was late so it isn't my fault. Also stop acting like you're a good, good boy!

From: An innocent girl that was late because of bus.

P.S. Jake is also sitting in front of were you talking about him? He is the only one that's sexy AND sitting in front of me.

Jake definitely was good looking but nothing compared to Justin-so of course i had to mock him a little bit.

Satisfied by my reply i crumbled the note in a little ball and threw it on Justin's table. I could see him smirk when he saw a little paper ball resting on his table.

Five minutes passed when Justin turned around staring directly in my eyes while he dropped his reply written on a new piece of paper. When he continued staring at me i raised one of my eyebrows at him. He smirked and i could see that cute little dimple that formed on his left cheek. That was a smirk that every damn girl that went to our school was living for.

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