Cat Puns // One Shot

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"Hey Alya! Hey Mari!" Nino calls out as he walks over to us. I didn't mind talking to Nino, but Adrien was with him. I'm probably going to embarrass myself again.

"Hi Nino! And Hi Adrien!" Alya calls back. "Did you see my ladyblog? It was crazy! Lady Bug and Chat Noir almost lost the akuma forever! Not only was it an epic battle...but I got it ALL on video!" Yea an epic battle alright. I'm exhausted from the fight.

"Epic battle, huh?" Nino says trying to sound unconvinced. He so has a crush on Alya. Only if Adrien felt that way about me...but I'm just a clutz. Who likes a clutz?

"Um. Excuse you Nino! It was huge!" Alya sasses back.

Adrien smirks and says, "You could call it...CATastrophic."

We all sat blank faced staring at Adrien. Did he just make a cat pun? No. I'm done. I don't like Adrien. Nope, never!

After a long, awkward pause I asked Adrien, "D-did you just m-make pun?"

Adrien slowly nods his head while nervously scratching the back of his head.

"Yeah okay. I'm done. Ya nope." I walked away from the group with my hands raised in the air. "Good luck Alya, he's yours now!" 

I need a nap...forever.


This one's a little stupid

If you find any comics like this, please send me them. They need to add a scene like this in the actual show XD

MIRACULOUS LADY BUG - One Shots and More // FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now