Double Date? // One Shot

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Marinette POV

Alya and Nino are the cutest couple ever! All though they do fight, a lot...

"Nino are you sassing me?!"

"No you are sassing me!"

Oh and that other time...

"Alya you are not putting me in a dress!"

"You lost the bet so you have to!"

"But you were the one who lost the bet!"

And don't get me started with when Nino says something about ladyblog...

"Are you sure that ladybu-"


"NO, no I'm not its just..."


Yeah. Cutest couple.

But there are times when they agree on something. And sometimes it isn't a good thing...

"So Nino and I are goong on a date and we wanted to ask if you would want to come with us, maybe with Adrien because I'm sure he wouldn't mind and it would be like the best date, even double date in like ever so yes or no?"

"Um...what?" I replied. I couldn't hear anything Alya said because she talked so fast

"Do you want to hang out with Nino and I...and Adrien so it will be like a super cute double date?" Alya asked again.

I couldn't hear the second part because she was just mumbling, but I'm sure it was nothing.

"Well, sure I guess...what time and where?"

"I will come to your place at 6:00!" She squealed and ran away.

What did I just get myself into?

Adrien POV

Nino and I walked down the hallway to go to our lockers when he started to ask me, "Hey dude, do you want to go get some dinner at the new restaurant with me, Alya and Mari?"

"Yeah sure! What time?"

"I'll come to your place at 6:00." Nino smirked and walked towards the entrance.

That doesn't sound good...but I can trust him!

I hung out in my room until six and stood outside my house until Nino came.

"So where are we going again?" I asked as we head out.

"A new place right down the road."

"Cool! Is it any good?"

"Not sure, but Alya said it was so. It is just a small cafe kind of place."

We finally made it to the place. But I was not happy.

The Paris Love Cafe

Are you kidding me?!

Before I could say anything, Nino pulled me in the place and sat me down next to Marinette in the booth they were in.

MIRACULOUS LADY BUG - One Shots and More // FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now