Love 101 with Chat Noir: Lesson 1

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Sooooo I'm bored of going back and forth from writing one shots and posting pictures. I wanna try something new...and this is where my mind led me.

Promise me, this is gonna be good.


Well hello there! I'm the great Chat Noir! And I am here to give you looooooooove advice.

Go ahead...I'll give you a sec to contemplate your life and why you are in your bed in the afternoon reading this. You good? OKAY!

Lesson number 1! Punssss!

See what I did there hehe.

Ladies, Men, Boys, Girls, Female, Male...they all LOVE puns! Promise me!

To start off this lesson, welcome Ladybug!

"Chat I said I'm not going to do this already..."


Now, when making a pun, you have to be smart. Creative. Here's an example.

"Heyyyy Ladybug..."


"What? Cat got your tongue?"

"Chat stop."

"Hey! I'm just a curious cat looking for the purrfect girl!"

"And you know what happened next?"


"Curiosity killed that cat before he found that girl."

YOU SEE THAT FOLKS!? We just got the Ladybug to make a pun. Well cat joke to be more specific. STILL! Just using a simple pun in flirting with ya gurl or boi, makes the difference.

"Why am I still here?"


"Stop yelling Chat!"


"What now Chat?"

"Why so aggressive? I'm just talking! No need to bring out claws."

"That wasn't even that good."

"And they never were, meow or ever!"

"Oh my lord..."

"What? Am I clawing at your nerves?'"

"Chat you already used that one."

"And why does that matter? Your just green of envy from my pun skillz"

"Green? I don't think that's natural..."

"Stop being so litteral Bugaboo!"

"That's it come over here!"

AND WE ARE DONE! Thank you for tuning in on the first episode of our series!

"Chat, this isn't tv. These people are reading not watching."


I'll see you next time on Love 101 with the great Chat Noir! Next time...running away from Ladybug because we really annoyed her this time. AHHH

"Come back here!"


So that was a thing...

Chat: Hey it wasn't that bad! I did my best! Which is the best hehe.

Author: Chat I just wrote all that. Not you.

Chat: Really?

Author: *le face palm*

Chat: I guess the cat's out of bag then...

Author: GET OUT!

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