Something New // One Shot

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Marinette POV

What was I thinking? Asking Adrien out!? Of course he was in love with someone else. I feel so terrible.

"Tikki, I'm just going to spend the day in my room. I'm not really up to hanging out with Alya."

"Are you sure? Maybe spending time with your friends will take Adrien off your mind," Tikki smiles at me.

"Sorry Tikki. I just need a nap." I lay my head onto my pillow and look at the ceiling, thinking about Adrien as I fall asleep.

Adrien POV

I feel bad about turning down Marinette. Although I did like her and would have said yes, I just couldn't stop loving Ladybug. That's it!

"Plagg! I am going to find Ladybug and confess!" I look over to Plagg who was rolling his eyes.

"Adrien, you don't even know her."

"Maybe I do...claws out!"

Marinette POV

I wake up from my nap and look at Tikki. She was looking out the window. I wasn't out for long, just an hour or less.

"Tikki?" I ask my kwami.

"Yes Marinette?"

"I think I'm gonna go out, as Ladybug. I need to get some fresh air."

"Okay Marinette!" Tikki flies over to me.

I transform and jump out of my room. Maybe I could go to the Eiffel Tower? Yea.

I swing my yoyo, building to building and made my way the the Eiffel Tower. I sat on top, the sun was starting to set. It was truly beautiful. I felt calm and relaxed...until a stupid cat jumped next to me.

Chat Noir POV

I finally found Ladybug sitting at the top of the Eiffel Tower. She was truly beautiful. I jumped next to her and sat down.

"Surprised to see you this beautiful evening, M'lady," I grin at her.

"What are you doing, Chat?"

"Listen Ladybug..." I paused. "I need to ask you."

I looked at her seriously. She smiled back at me which made my heart flutter.

"Ladybug, I really like you. We might not know each other's identities, but I truly love you."

"Chat...that's really sweet, but I kind of like someone else. They might not like me back, but I still can't get over him."

I looked down at the city below us. I look at Ladybug one last time before going back to my home. I could never forget the sad look on her face, it hurt my heart.

Ladybug POV

I felt so bad for letting down Chat, but I just haven't gotten over Adrien. Maybe I should think about others. Adrien could be happy with someone else, and I could, too.

I swing my yoyo towards my house and transform back on my rooftop.

I handed Tikki a cookie I had in my purse and started talking about what had happened.

"Tikki. I do still like Adrien, but maybe you are right about getting my mind of-

Before I could finish my sentence, Tikki flew into my bag. I looked behind my to see Chat jumping on to my roof.

Chat Noir POV

As I jump, rooftop to rooftop to get back to my house, I see Marinette on her balcony. Maybe I could talk to her for a while, to get my mind off things. 

"Hey Marinette!" I say smiling.

She smiled back. "Oh, hi Chat." Marinette looked confused though. "What are you doing at my house?"

"Well. I was just passing by..." I didn't smile that time and Marinette looked concered.

"Are you okay?" She asked me.

I walked closer to her. "Yea I'm purrrfectly fine."

Marinette smiled weakly. She seemed to want to laugh, but she couldn't.

"But you don't look fine."

Marinette POV

I smiled at his pun. It was so Chat Noir. But when he looked at me and said I wasn't fine, I frowned. I think I should tell him.

"I'm not...I-I like this boy. His name is Adrien. He is really sweet and cute, but he is in love with another. I guess I am a little disappointed, but I hope Adrien can be happy with this other person." I smiled slightly again, making Chat smile a little too.

Chat's smile turned into a small chuckle. He started laughing!

"Hey! What's so funny you stupid cat!?" I yelled at him wanting to laugh too.

"It's just...I was also in a situation like that today. I really like Ladybug, but she likes someone else."

I stare at Chat who was smiling slightly. Maybe I could start over? Maybe I could accept Chat, as Marinette. It would be hard to do this when I am Ladybug, but it would make me happy. This would be something new. Something good.

Chat Noir POV

Marinette smiled at me as she stepped closer. I mean, just because Adrien messed up doesn't mean Chat doesn't have a chance. I stepped closer with her. Our faces were centimeters apart, until she slowly kissed me.

I kissed back, knowing that I would be able to forget about what had happened with Ladybug.

We pulled back from each other and I looked at her with a smile.

"Time to try something new, Princess."


Okay. I kind of like Marichat now.

This one shot is just too good xD

MIRACULOUS LADY BUG - One Shots and More // FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now