Lost little girl

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MAY WAN TO READ: hello! I'm revising this story to fix spelling, grammar, and the overall story. If you're starting to read this I would suggest waiting till I start updating the revised version.

Summer of 2007:

I was only a kid, but girls would surround me wherever I went, I was like a magnet. I have never seen a girl not go crazy over my looks... until today. There was a red-headed girl chasing a rabbit, I found my self staring at the girl, she noticed me and looked at me with a puzzled look. She looked away and continued to chase the rabbit into a forest. I escaped from the crowd of girls, and followed the red-head into the forest. In between the trees I saw her chasing the rabbit in a circle. I decided to walk up to her.

"What are you doing? Chasing that rabbit will do you no good." I told her.

"I'm trying to help it, can't you see that she is ingured?" She told me sternly.

The rabbit ran away, leaving us two lost in the forest. Then I heard a sound.

"Did you hear that?" I asked her.

She nodded her head yes. When a bear came up behind her.

"LOOK OUT!" I yelled, pulling her to my side.

The girl got up and the bear swings his claws at her arm, she got a long deep scar on her left arm.

"COME ON WE HAVE TO RUN!!!" I said fearfully.

But she didn't run or hide, she grabbed a stick and defended herself from getting scratched again. She didn't dare to hit the bear once, instead she waited for the bear to calm down and she gave him a dog treat. And apparently he was upset cause he got in the hit in head so the girl gave the bear a bandage and he ran off.

I wonder where that girl could be today. She saved my life and I never told her thank you.


Present day (after season 2):

After Akko defeated the monster, she has been trying to get her magic back, and she also has a few fans, that includes boys.

Akko was going out to town with Lotte to buy some chips for Jasminka. Sucy was busy searching for mushrooms.

"C'mon Lotte! We gotta go!" Akko said being impatient.

Lotte and Akko got on their brooms and arrived in town. 

"EVERYONE LOOK! ITS AKKO!!" a random person in a crowd yelled.

People rushed over to Akko wanting her auto graph.

"I helped to...." Lotte muttered with her voice trailing off.

"Well, I would like your auto graph." 

Lotte looked up and was surprised to see Frank there waving at her.

"Oh hi Frank! What are you doing here?" Lotte asked.

"I'm here to support Andrew, he is doing something really important today, I forgot what it was though." Frank said scratching the back of his head nervously.

Lotte giggled and they said goodbye to each other. Akko finished signing stuff for everyone and they managed to get to the store in peace. They got Jasminka 5 bags of Great Granny's chips, it was a brand Jasminka wanted to try out. As Akko and Lotte walked out of the store they bumped into Andrew and Frank.

"Oops! Sorry for-" Akko said looking up surprised to see Andrew there.

"A-andrew? What are you doing at the entrance for the dollar store?" Akko said still surprised.

"Long story, anyways I wanted to talk to you about-" Andrew was cut off when he was suddenly surrounded by fan girls.

Akko back ped away and noticed she was surrounded by fans as well, ever since she saved everyone, boys have been trying to flirt with her.

Andrew ducked under the crowd of fan girls and pushed through the boys surrounding Akko, he quickly grabbed Akko's hand and ran into a park.

"*pant* why *pant* did you *pant* do that?" Akko said with the all the strength she had.

"Because, I need to give you this, hope to see you there." Andrew says walking off.

Akko watches him as he fades away from her sight, she looks at the envelope he gave her, she decided to go back to Lotte and open it with sucy back at their room.

~at room~

"You didn't have to open it with us." Lotte stated.

"I'm glad she is... looks like someone has a boyfriend!" Sucy snickered.

"I-it's not like that! I'm sure it's something stupid like... I don't know.." Akko's voice trailed off.

"Open it! I can't wait to see what is in side!" Lotte said very curious.

Akko opened the envelope to see an invitation to a dinner party at the Hanbridge mansion. Apparently Andrew got to pick someone to invite who was not on the list, all his other friends were on the list so why not invite Akko?

Just as Akko finished reading the invite to her friends, a knock was heard at the door.

"I'll get it." Akko said.

Akko opened the door surprised to see Diana there.

"Hello Akko, I just wanted to-" Diana saw the invitation in Akko's hand to the dinner party.

"Oh, you were already invited... I'll be off then.." Diana said a drop of sweat appeared on her forehead.

"What?" Akko asked confused.

"I was going to ask if you wanted to be my plus one, but I see you got invited... who invited you anyways?" Diana asked.

"Andrew did..." Akko answered.

"Oh! I see...." Diana said with her eyes looking down, and returned to her room.

Akko sat back down with her friends.

"When is the dinner?" Lotte asked.

"In two days.. it's really close.. and I get an invite NOW! I don't have anything fancy to wear! I already used the Cinderella kit on that other stupid party..." Akko complained.

"Ugh, all you need to look good is a nice mushroom hat, no need for shopping!" Sucy suggested.

"Actually, I know a place that sells fancy, but very unique dresses!" Lotte suggested.

"Looks like we are going shopping!" Akko said confidently.

"I guess you guys don't want the cheaper option.." Sucy rolled her eyes.

(Sorry for a short starting chapter! The next ones will be a lot longer!)

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