Meeting the girls

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Nobody's POV:

It was the day after the dinner, and Andrew decided to go see Akko, he wanted her to meet the girls with him, hopefully she felt better.


You have received a message.

Akko looked at her phone and it was from Andrew.

"How did he get my number?" Akko asked herself.

"Well looks li-" Sucy was cut off by Lotte covering her mouth.

"Don't say the sucy! How vulgar!" Lotte said, Sucy giggled.

"What does it say?" Lotte asks.

"He wants me to meet the girls he is supposed to choose from... I think I should go." Akko said.

"I don't know... I don't want you to get hurt." Lotte said concerned.

"Why would I get hurt? I don't like him! We are just friends!" Akko said defensively.

"Keep telling your self that..l" sucy muttered to herself.

~time skip~ <Hanbridge mansion>

Limousines arrived at the entrance of the mansion, girls with fancy dresses and expensive jewelry stepped out of the cars and walked into the mansion.

One of them, bumped into Akko.

"Ugh! Watch where you're going! Do you know who I am!? Wait... I know you! Your that witch... you think you're so special don't you, well I'll have you know, I am the richest person in the country! Trust me, you will be old news soon." The girl said, she had a nasty personality, but, she was beautiful.

The girls whispered to each other wondering why a witch like her was here, she may be famous at the time, but in their eyes, she was a useless pawn.

"Akko! I'm glad you could make it!" Andrew said helping her off the ground.

This made the beautiful girls gasp in surprise, they all said sorry to Akko so they could get on Andrew's good side. Everyone got inside, the mansion was beautifully decorated, and the ball room was filled with the sound of classical music, Akko went straight to the snack table, which was her favorite part in any party at the Hanbridge Mansion. Bye the time everyone greeted Andrew, Akko already ate half of the sandwiches, making Andrew hold in a laugh. However, the girls just looked at her in complete disgust, but they new the witch was Andrew's friend, so they had to be nice.

"Andrew, shall we dance?" The really mean girl from before asked.

"How can you dance to this? This music is sooooo boring!" Akko complained.

"Like this." The girl said, taking Andrew's hands and pulled him to the middle of the ballroom, she started to do the Waltz.

"Of course Victoria gets to have the first dance with Andrew! She is always first." A girl near Akko whispered to another.

Akko watched the two dance together, she did exactly what they teach you in dance class, she didn't do anything cool, she danced like a well programmed robot. It was boring. Then, Akko had an idea. With a wave of her wand, she changed the music to a simple country toon, and got a microphone.

"Let's spice this up!" Akko said loudly on the mic.

"Grab your partner and dos-si-do! Spin around and lose control!" Akko yelled.

She made a spell that made them do exactly what she said.

"Why am I doing this!?" Victoria yelled.

"Akko!" Andrew yelled.

"Stop don't spin, dance in a square be sure you win!" Akko said more directions.

"Akko please stop this immediately!" Andrew said sternly.

"Bow down but no goodbye, now s-" Akko was cut off.

"AKKO!" Andrew yelled, a sound that could make anyone shiver.

Akko stopped, making the spell stop, she looked like she saw a ghost.

"Akko, what in your mind would tell you to do that? You may be bored, but putting spells on people is not the answer! If your going to come in here and do whatever you want, it's better if you just left!" Andrew yelled out without thinking.

Akko geared up, she said sorry and ran out the door, Victoria giggled at the site as Andrew held his hands up to his mouth with wide eyes. He ran out the door, Victoria stopped laughing and gasped with the other girls.

"Akko! Akko! I didn't mean what I said! Please come back! I'M SORRY!" Andrew said with his hands cuffed around his mouth.

After a few minutes of running, Andrew heard some sobbing.

"Akko?" Andrew asked.

"What do you want?" Akko asked, still sobbing.

"I-" Andrew was cut off bye a load growl.


"Is that.... a bear?" Akko asked.

As soon as she said that, a bear ran their direction and stopped at them


"Akko! RUN!" Andrew told her.

"No, I'm no coward!" Akko said determined.

Akko walked closer to the bear, as she went closer it growled louder.

"Calm down, calm down" Akko said softly, waving her hands down.

Akko touched the bears face with her hands, and went for a hug, she scratched its head, and the bear suddenly ran off.

"....Akko...." Andrew said, the memory of the summer back in 2007 came to mind, this seemed so similar.

"L-let's go back." Andrew continued, still in shock, Akko could've died right in front of him.

-back to mansion-

"You got attacked by a bear! Akko! He could've died, How selfish!" Victoria yelled.

"She saved my life." Andrew said defensively.

"Let's not talk about it, right now you girls are meeting Andrew, and that's why we are here." Diana said, coming out of the meeting room.

"Diana!?" Akko said surprised.

"Akko!?" Diana said surprised.

"What are you doing here?!" They both said in union.

"I'm discussing stuff with Andrew's father! What else!?" Diana explained.

"I'm helping Andrew meet the girls." Akko explained.

"A-Andrew! First you tell her and then have her meet them to!? Why aren't you following orders!"  Diana asked angrily.

"I have my own decisions to, isn't that right?" Andrew said looking at Akko.

"If I didn't have to be somewhere, you would be getting a long lecture!" Diana said sternly, she exited on her broom.

<back to the academia>

"Wow! That Victoria girl sounds awful!" Lotte said.

"Yeah she was!" Akko agreed.

I hope she doesn't marry him.

(Sorry for short chapter)

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