The Pest's Plan

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"What to do, what to do?" Victoria said with an evil grin

"Guards! How about you give the witch "lockdown"" Victoria, her eyes sent shivers down Akko's spine.

The guards came quickly, just as they were about to take Akko away Andrew jumped in front of her.

"You can't!" Andrew said in fear.

The guards shoved Andrew out of the way, they had only one objective: get the witch. After a couple seconds, Andrew got up and bashed a rock on one of the guards heads, everyone around gasped, Andrew didn't care though, he twisted the other two guards arms and started up a fight. Such and Lotte joined in as more guards came. Victoria didn't know what to do, she was so conflicted. Diana rushed into the scene.

"WHERES THE MONSTER?!" Diana said, pulling put her wand.

"DIANA! Akko isn't who you think she is! You must take Andrew home and send Akko in lockdown!" Victoria demanded.

Diana was confused, she deeply trusted Akko, there was a side she had to choose, and it was obvious who the real monster was.

Diana shot a beam at the real evil one here........... Akko fell unconscious from Diana's shot. The guards took Akko and her friends away. Andrew was sent home on a helicopter.

"I knew you would pick the right side Diana." Victoria wickedly giggled.


Akko woke up in a jail cell with Lotte and Sucy on across from her on another cell. The guards had handcuffed Andrewand they were walking him across Akko's cell, the two made eye contact both depressed and sad. This was the moment the knew they had lost.

"Tough jail life ain't it."

Sucy, Akko, and Lotte looked over to another cell. There in that same cell sat the sweet old man.

"Can't win every battle, huh?" Mr. Harvey chuckled.

"How can you still remain happy... we have truly lost this time." Akko said defeated.

"Akko, there is a chance." Mr.Harvey said.


"Use your happy lil spirit. You'll find her. She can be a bit reckless and rude, but she will always stand with you, with death and beyond." Mr. Harvey said, going to sleep.

Akko layer her head on her rough jail bed pillow. She drifted slowly to sleep.

"Akko.... Akko.... we have limited time."

Akko woke up in another world. In a forest to be exact.

"Why.... why this forest..... everywhere I get dragged to.... the forest." Akko said, waking up into this world.

"Hello..." Yoi Appeared out of nowhere.


"Right now my name is Ochikonde." She said, looking down at Akko.

"But you said to call you..."

"I said it depends."

"Wh-what's going on here.... what's happening to Andrew!?"

"He's safe, don't worry" Ochikonde said, pulling Akko up.

"Hey.... could you come into the real world with us?" Akko asked.

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