Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven


I felt my eyes flutter open before I realised that I was actually conscious, Satan sat on the end of my bed with Starr in his arms. My throat felt dry and very tight, a horrible empty feeling settled in the pit of my stomach. To calm myself, I looked up at the ceiling and counted how many polka-dots were painted on the white surface in pink paint.

Twenty-three, the same amount as always.

Okay, so no concussion or blindness...

Had I been dreaming?

I tried to sit up but ended up retching by the side of my bed, good thing Satan had placed a bucket there or God would I have a mess to tidy. The horrible taste of bile was still in my mouth after I was finished and I shook my head with my lips puckered in disgust. Satan's laugh echoed round my room, I whipped round to face him.

"You think this is funny?" I hissed angrily.

"The way I'm seeing it? Yes, I do. On the contrary, it is actually hilarious." Satan snorted and placed Starr at my feet.

I screamed and threw my pillow at his head. "Your an ass! The worst one ever!"

"Ha!" Satan laughed and pointed at me, his short black hair blew in the cool night breeze coming from my open window that he opened. "Ha!"

"Stop laughing at me!" I tried to kept my face straight but ended up spluttering with laughter. "Okay, maybe it was a little bit funny."

"It was hilarious." Satan grinned and Starr bit his hand. "Son of a-"

"Hahaha!" I doubled over laughing and smacked my fist off of the mattress. "Look who's laughing now!"

"Funny." Satan blew on the tiny nip. "Does everyone who interacts with you want to bite me?"

"Yes, we're vicious!" I smirked and made very limp claws with my fingers. "Rarr!"

"So I see."

I looked into Satan's light blue eyes, they reminded me of Summer skies. He saw me staring and pushed me in a playful manner. With a smile and jumped onto his back in a fake ambush but he placed me there securely and gave me a piggy-back ride around the room. I giggled and threw my head back before really laughing hard. Satan threw me onto the bed and retreated to the wall before running then jumping beside me on my double bed. We sat laughing and I placed my hand onto my stomach, I was going to puke again. I leaned across the bed and retched into the bucket. Satan's cold hands held my hair out of my face for me and he tucked it down the back of my blouse. I heard him fumbling around for things and he the patted my shoulder in a comforting way which felt strange.

I'd never been shown affection before.

Satan helped me sit up when I was done regurgitating my dinner. He handed me a glass with a clouded over pale blue liquid that matched his eyes, very softly he helped me place it against my lips and drink. The liquid tasted slightly sour then went a sickly sweet before fading into tastelessness. I turned to face Satan when I was done and he took back the glass, my eyes focused on his bare feet. He has a tattoo resembling a Phoenix rising out of the ashes below it. Satan noticed me staring and sat on his feet, I couldn't see the tattoo now. His skinny jeans were faded and ripped, I noticed he saw me staring again.

"Please stop looking at me." Satan whispered softly and pulled my hair out from my blouse.

"Why?" I whispered back.

"You stare at me as if I had a heart." Satan murmured.

"Everyone has a heart." I said softly.

"I don't, I don't have a soul either." Satan blushed.

"You do."

"If you really knew me, you wouldn't say that."

"I would." I insisted. "Everyone is special and has a soul as well as a heart."

"I don't." Satan looked me right in the eye, I felt as I could melt. "But you do, I can feel it. It's pure and sweet and innocent like you which means you are a good person. Even if you did try to stab me with a steak knife."

"I'm so sorry about that." I said and turned right round to face him properly. "But I believe that you are still good at heart which means you have a soul."

"Thank you, Rosalie." Satan stroked my face gently. "You make me feel as if I did."

I curled up against Satan and he wrapped his arms around me. Starr began to hiss at us and jumped out the open window, I didn't follow him because I knew that he was leaving. Blissfully, I fell asleep in Satan's arms and his touch still burned into me even when I wasn't conscious...


I woke with my head against Satan's chest, he was still asleep. It was strange lying with a guy in my bed, having company was a first! Breaking me out of my thoughts, the phone rang high and shrill. I groaned and felt Satan wake, he got up and walked over to the phone.

"Hello?" He sighed and rubbed his eyes. "It's for you Rosalie."

"Oh, okay." I got up and took the phone. "Hello?"

"Are you even dressed?" May's voice was panicked. "I am coming over to talk to my future husband and you two are in the same room as each other?"

"Yes, maybe if you put another spell on the hut then he could have his own room." I sighed and pushed my hair out of my face.

"We're you in the same bed as each other?" May shrieked through the phone.

"No," I lied and looked at Satan hopelessly, he shook his head and snapped his fingers for a new outfit. "He slept on the floor."


"Uh, no I mean... I slept on the floor!" I lied and felt Satan rub my shoulders before he gestured at my crumpled clothes and bit his bottom lip. "Look, I've got to go and get ready so I'll see you soon."

"Okay. I'll be bringing the royal wedding planners so look nice, huh?"


The line went dead and I slammed the phone down. It echoed through my little hut/shed that has many magical charms on it to make it look small on the outside but a normal sized house inside. Satan stopped rubbing my shoulders and looked me in the eye, I felt as if I could melt.

"Hope you want to give up your morning." I smiled shyly and opened my wardrobe. "You've got a morning of wedding planning to do."

"Wedding?" Satan echoed and raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah, uh. You know that time when you told May that she had to marry someone powerful to prevent uprising, well she thought that meant marry you." I sighed and pulled a sky blue dress out from my wardrobe. "What'd you think of this dress, Satan?"

"It will look very nice on you." Satan smiled a genuine smile at me. "Hurry up, I've got a damn bloody wedding to plan!"

I laughed and snapped my fingers so I was wearing the dress and my old clothes were washed as well as dry and hung up in my wardrobe. My cloak was folded neat on my bed and my boots were on my feet. I quickly braided my hair and brushed my teeth before I headed downstairs.

I ran to the kitchen and switched the kettle on as well as fixed the cups with milk, sugar and teabags. Satan boiled a pot of porridge and ladled it into the bowls he had at the table. When I poured the tea, we sat at the table and ate. Ours eyes kept meeting over the rims of our cups and I felt my heart thud. As Satan went to say something, the doorbell rang and hurried footsteps ran down the hall.

Wedding planning time, great. In case you're wondering, that was sarcasm...

Loving Hell Trilogy-Book One: Raising HellWhere stories live. Discover now