Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve


I woke up in a room, chained to a chair. My head thumped and my heart bet fast, a pain shot through my heart as cold as ice. A scream erupted around the room and I writhed in pain. The pain began to spread through all of my vanes and I broke into a cold sweat. Tears rolled down my cheeks and my wrists burned against the metal, it must be cursed.

"ARGH!" I screamed and tugged at the chains that restrained me.

"Screaming and suffering will only make it worse." Rosalina's voice came through the walls harshly.

"God!" I yelled. "Stop, make it stop! Please." I begged.

"As you wish, my child." Rosalina said and the pain faded making me numb. "Then I shall make you unaware of your surroundings."

It's better than nothing, I thought to myself and let the numbness take over my body.

"Now you can't struggle." Rosalina hissed and materialized right in front of me. "Any way, now you should maybe listen to this. I'm going to tell you the story of how I killed your father."



I walked into the bedroom and climbed onto the bed, Samson paced nervously around the room. His red eyes gleamed and white fangs poked through his lips. I knew he was angry, I knew he knew I was scared.

"You disobeyed me, you said you would never have a child with me to protect yourself." Samson hissed and slammed his fists onto the dresser, it cracked the top. "I cannot begin to think why you want this demon child, it shall break your bones and hurt you beyond belief. It may be ugly and not beautiful like you imagine."

"I know what the heart wants." I shrugged and placed one hand along my swollen stomach. I used the other to reach for the dagger that was under the bed. "I want this child, Samson."

"I'm worried for you." Samson whispered and turned to face me. His blonde hair was a mess and his eyes burned with thirst. "For both you and our unborn child."

"Look, it may die before it gets out of me." I smiled sweetly and patted the space on the bed beside me. "I know you'll save me."

"Don't say that, my venom is not going to save you! Neither is my blood, that is all you want, Rosalina! My blood." Samson roared and jumped onto the bed.

"That is true. I do want your blood." I smiled and stroked my husband's face.

Samson looked as if he were in pain at the touch, his skin was hard and cold. I moved it dagger so it was touching his stomach lightly. If he wasn't going to give me his blood freely, I'll take it for myself. Very steadily, I pushed the danger through his hard skin. Samson gasped and stared at the dagger lodged into his stomach before he clutched it and fell back. I dragged the dagger down until the black blood began to poor onto the white bed sheets. Samson took one last look at me before the red drained from his eyes leaving them colourless.

"I hate you Rosalina, just take care of my child." Samson hissed before his head fell back.

He was dead.

"Yes!" I screamed happily and dipped my hands into the blood. "It is mine!"



I stared at my mother. "You horrible woman." I said.

"I needed it to keep myself alive." Rosalina screamed. "To keep you alive, you selfish child!"

"I didn't ask to be alive." I whispered, close to tears as the numbing began to fade. "Where is Satan?"

"He is safe. For now." Rosalina cackled and drew together a ball of magic, it glittered red and gold and silver. "Here he is."

I peered into the magic to see Satan sitting a cell, he was shirtless. His back was covered in scars, they still bled... They had flocked him. Satan was chained to the wall and a man was whipping him. An executioner sat calling out the number of lashes he had had so far. Satan cried out before the magic shatters into reflective black shards. It fell to the floor.

"No, no! NO!" I screamed and looked at Rosalina. "Please stop hurting him."


"I love him."

"Love is fake, it is a piece of hope that always exists to give us magic." Rosalina snorted. "You shall have to give me something in return."

"I'll give anything!" I said through tears. "Just leave him."

"Fine," Rosalina snapped her fingers, "there, gone. I want you to give me your powers."

"But I can't."


"They aren't mine, I have ones bottled that sere me until a side chooses me. Then my real powers will come." I explained.

"Hmm, I'll get Scarab to choose you so I can have my reward."

With that she turned on her high heels. I screamed and threw myself back to the chair was on the floor, the wood snapped. I stood up and swung the chains at my mother's head. She screamed and fell to the floor, then I pulled out a dagger I had hid in my hair as a pin. Quickly holding it to her throat made her flinch. Her green eyes widened and the purple flecks glowed. She watched as I crouched by her an pushed the dagger deeper making the blessed metal break the skin, smoke swirled up from her neck.

"Tell me once again why you needed my father's blood?" I hissed. "Because your story makes no sense!"

"Hmpf!" Rosalina huffed.

"Tell me!" I screamed and brought the dagger deeper. "Or I'll kill you."

"Kill me then." My mother laughed. "Wait you wouldn't!"

"You wanna bet?" I yelled and brought the dagger down, her head rolled to the floor before it disintegrated into ash. "Mother!"

I stood up and brought my foots down onto the chains so they snapped. There was red marks where the cuffs had been. Hissing, I made my way to the door and pushed it open before running down the corridor. A few guards saw me and ran forward before I slammed the dagger into the first guy's chest.

"Take me to Satan." I demanded at the other guard. "Or I'll kill you too."

"Okay, keep calm and I'll take you." The guard steered me towards a cell and opened the door with shaky hands. "Get the Hell out if here!"

He pushed me in with my boyfriend. I ran to Satan and kissed him, Satan opened his eyes and looked up at me.

"Rose?" He gasped.

"Yeah, I'm busting you out of here." I smiled and cut off his chains. "There."

"Where will we go?" Satan asked.

"Wherever you believe seems fitting!"

Satan stood up and kissed me, he tilted my head back and swooped me up into his arms. The air began of stink of sulphur and flame engulfed us. I gasped and batted Satan's chest. He stroked my cheek and I saw the pity in his eyes.

"I'm sorry you fell in love with me." Satan whispered and dropped me.

I landed on a plush bed and looked around at the candles surrounding the room. Satan appeared beside me, I was in Hell. My heart thumped and I jumped off of the bed and dropped my dagger I was clutching. It clattered to the floor.

He brought me to Hell...

Loving Hell Trilogy-Book One: Raising HellWhere stories live. Discover now