Chapter 6

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Bree'Anna POV

My Dad walked over and sat down on the edge of my bed. Well I guess we gonna talk first.

Dad-Come here.

I moved up on my bed so that I was sitting next to him.

Dad-What has gotten into u? Your grades dropped. U skipping school. Missing tests and big project assignments. Talk to me baby girl. What is really going on?

Me-I don't know.

Dad-U gotta know something. This wasn't u a month ago. How did things change so much from then to now? Cause I know that you're better than this. Sleeping in class and all that. U have to stop doing this. Your grades have to come back up. U can't be skipping class. Your teachers said that if u keep up with this then you're going to be repeating 8th grade. And if u fail 8th grade, I can gurantee u that u won't have a summer. Yo summer gon be spent up in this house in this room. And why have u been sleeping in class?

Me-I be tired.

Dad-Why do u be so tired? Huh? Cause if u go to bed when u supposed to then u won't be so tired. What time do u go to bed?


Dad-That what time you're supposed to go to bed. But what time do u actually go to bed?

Me-3 or 4 maybe 5.

Dad-What do u be doing up that late?

Me-On Facebook sometimes. But most of the time watching tv.

Dad-Ok u ain't gon have to worry about that no more. Cuz u ain't gon have a phone, tv, or computer. Now stand up and pull yo pants down.

Me-No. Daddy I'm sorry and I promise to do better. I won't sleep or skip class no more. Pleaseee.

Dad-Stand up and pull yo pants down. NOW!

I stood up and pulled my shirts down and he started whooping me. This was not like the other whoopings I had got. This one was definitely worse. And it's lasting a lot longer than what the others did. He was hitting my butt, legs and my hand at times when I would move it back to try to cover my butt from the hits. After like 15 minutes, he stopped.

Dad-Fix your clothes, get your bookbag, and come downstairs.

Me-Y-yes s-sir.

He walked out my room and I just changed and put on some leggings. I went in my bathroom to clean my face, then I grabbed my bookbad and went downstairs.

When I got down there, I saw my dad, my brothers, and also the one guy who I haven't seen in a long time. My moms brother. My uncle. He was the only form of discipline that I had, but once he moved it all went downhill. That's when I was around 8 or 9 years old.

Me-Uncle Case?

UC-Its me.

I ran over and hugged him. I hadn't seen him in a long time. A very long time. I wonder how he found me. Did he find me on his own or did my dad call him? Ion know. But I do know that he bout to go into his lil "dad mode" and yell at me about my grades and stuff, cuz I know my dad told him.

Jeremiah-This your uncle?

Me-Yea this my moms brother.

I almost choked saying the word mom referring to that woman.

Jeremiah-Ohhh well come on. We gotta help u study for them tests u gotta retake tomorrow. And then with whatever homework u got.


We walked off into the dining room and sat at the table. Well they sat at the table. I just stood up.

Brandon-Why u won't sit down?

He know exactly why I won't sit down.

Me-Why u won't shut up?

I felt a smack to the back of my head. When the heck did my dad walk in here?

Dad-Sit down.

Me-But I can't.

Dad-Sit down Bree'Anna I'm not going to tell u again.

I sat down in the chair and it hurt so bad. I almost started crying again. My Dad walked back out into the sitting area where my uncle was.

Me-Can we please start so that I can get outta this hard chair?

Jay-Yea come on yall Lets just start. We can't torture my lil sister like that.

They all laughed and then we got started. Once we was finished with everything, I went to bed. Not that I wanted to but I had no choice. My dad took all of my electronics out of my room and he said that since I be so tired that I sleep in class, I should go to bed early. So I went to bed at 8:00. I didn't want to But I had to. Plus, I was a little tired after this long day.

Oh yeah, I forgot to tell yall that my uncle won't be sticking around. He just came to see how I was doing because he didn't know that I had moved to Atlanta to live with my dad. Well now he knows and he is gon back to Florida or California whichever one he came from.
Chapter 7 will be up soon

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