Pastor King never knew that he had a daughter. He has three older sons named Jeremiah, Jaylen, and Brandon. His daughter's name is Bree'Anna and she had been told her whole life by her mother that her dad never wanted her. She was always treated hor...
Its been about six months and yes i am still grounded. I prolly will be grounded till sometime next year. I'm not supposed to ask to go hang out or do anything with my friends or nothing when I'm on punishment. But im bout to go ask if i can go to the library with my friends. Well, we not gon actually be at the library but i mean that is a good coverstory right?
I just finished getting ready for school and I'm gon ask my dad when we get in the car...
I look cute as hell today tho.
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I went downstairs to the kitchen where everybody else was.
I sat at the table and te breakfast. All my brothers sitting here on they phones and shit and im just sitting here waiting on my dad to come downstairs.
I hate being grounded. Like i can't do nothing that i want to do. All i can do is go to school, come home, do my homework, then go to my room and stare at the wall. Or i can read a book but that get boring after six months of doing the exact same thing. The only actual fun thing i can do is go to church. There are the youth group meetings on Wednesday and prayer on Tuesdays. But after i do that, i am back to my room. My dad still lets me do some of the things like when we all go out as a family and everything but other than that, i can't do anything.
My dad just came downstairs and we're about to leave.
I'm bout to ask him now.
He looked over at me.
Me-Can i.....
I ain't even get to finish my question before he cut me off.
Me-But dad i didn't even finish what i was bout to ask u.
Dad-I already know that u was gon ask if u could go somewhere after school today and my answer is no because u still grounded.
I sighed and rolled my eyes.
Dad-Stop rolling yo eyes. They gon get stuck like that.
I went out to the car and got in, slamming the door. My dad came out and got in after me. My brothers haven't came out to get in the car yet.
Dad-Lose the attitude Bree'Anna.
I eyes and looked out the window.
Dad-U got one more time to roll yo eyes and u gon be picking them up off the ground.