Chapter One

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Bryce's Pov
I let a small grunt out when I close the lid on a lot of my stuff that I had packed up ready for the tour, which usually I have an amazing time on the tours. Always full with different foods, sights and everything else you could possibly imagine, but after what happen during the last tour, since I am part of the management team I have no choice but to come along.

I lifted my bag up with one arm and then held the luggage with my other arm, I shook my head a bit fixing my glasses on my face a bit more.

"I really don't wanna go." I whined a little bit when I heard the chuckles come from beside me, causing me to turn my head in that direction.

"Aww don't tell me you won't love seeing me." I heard CC joked loudly to me. I cracked a smile when CC gave me a huge side hug.

"CC." I exclaimed amused at him to the fullest. "You know I love seeing all of you guys why wouldn't I?" I joked lightly when CC cracked a grin.

"Man its been a little while since I seen you how have you been?" CC asked me when we started making our way to the waited car that was gonna be taking all of us to the airport, including Andy and Juliet as well.

I put my stuff in the trunk tugging on my sleeves a bit to hide the bandages that were wrapped clear on my arms both.

"Nothing much actually." I called nodding a small bit, forcing it just a little so he wouldn't question too much, "Just been thinking, hanging out and relaxing." I called to CC who hummed a bit.

"That sounds alright," He called with a smile when we both slide into the large car with ease, light chatter shared among us, I leaned back on the seat more pulling my phone out and scanning my eyes on my phone when I started just doing random things on it.

"What about Andy have you guys talked over the break after the last tour?" CC asked me so casually causing me to look up and away from my phone, our locked gazes meeting one another. I at first had no quick answer at first, I just hummed for a few short seconds for a little bit.

"Yeah not that much though I do know, Juliet and Andy are planning the wedding." I called out to CC more like a questioned like statement who nodded.

"November is when it is I think it is, and you know Andy wants you there it won't be the same without you there as well and you know that." CC was so firm with each and every word that left him. I couldn't even form words for a moment, focusing on my phone before looking back up for a second glancing out the moving window.

"I don't know CC something just is telling me he won't want me there and there's not much I can do about it." I called with a small shrug and I could feel CC's icy like gaze fully on me.

"Bryce you know what happen back on the tour wasn't your fault alright and Andy was wrong to defend Juliet when he has known you longer." CC once again answered to me deeply. I sighed hard crossing one arm over the other, finally putting my phone on sleep mode.

While I traced the bandages on my arms more. "I know CC but there's nothing I could really do at the time when that happens. I guess we should all just put it behind us." I needed the topic dropped as quickly as I could to CC. I glanced out the window seeing we pulled up to Juliet and Andy's house which means we just need to get Jinxx, Jake and Ashley.

I sank down into the seat more shutting my eyes when I heard the car door open, before it shut just as roughly. "What's up." I heard Juliet call from where she sat in the passenger seat and I knew who exactly sat down by me since CC moved over.

"Hey, Bryce." I heard Andy called to me in a soft tone, I kept quiet for a quick second but I spoke.

"Hey, Andy," I answered right back in a light tone, keeping my voice low and I took soft breaths in and out when I heard Andy sigh deeply.

"Look, Bryce, what happened is in the past you and, you know what I say about the past look I'm sorry." Andy apologized to me, I kept making sure we weren't making full eye contact still, I let a small grunt out with a little a scoff but if it makes him feel better, I suppose it wouldn't fully hurt to forgive him, keeping my eyes close.

I spoke yet again, as calm and collective as my tone would let me. "Look I don't care about what happens what's done has been done and we can't fix what happened." I called shrugging my shoulders back a bit.

"If you wanna act like it didn't happen that's fine by me keep it that way." I muttered.

"But you'll be my best friend no matter what happens." Andy interrupted yet again. I finally open both my eyes to see Andy's upset eyes and look gazing at me.

"Bryce you know I am sorry." Andy whispered sincerely to me and I licked my lower lip.

"I know will never stop being best friends with you Andy." I told him gently, he cracked a soft smile at me which I did the same a little. I saw Juliet smirking a bit when she chewed on her nails a bit I couldn't help the small little sigh, the chatter soon filling up the entire car.



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