Chapter Six

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Bryce's Pov
One month, felt like forever even though it was just four weeks.  That was how long it has been into this tour and we still have three more full ones to go.  I don't think I can handle anymore, it seemed my thoughts were seemingly endless and growing worse.

Maybe halfway through it I could leave. Most of the management team could handle most of the rest of the tour. I since we were crossing half the state as well.

I'll just end up stopping in one of this states heading back to LA it could be a quick work like plan. I also had been ignoring Andy for a good five weeks, which it was pretty easy to do with the silent treatment, just needed headphones and to pretend like you were busy.

Just also act like they aren't there, go the other direction, sleep. Etc and you can tell he is pissed off.  I don't think at the same time he cared though. He once again brought it on himself for jumping to conclusions without the right info.

I don't either, though we both knew deep down I did care. Huh? Kinda funny sounds like a couple arguing I thought.

I was laying on the sofa blaring my music drowning out my surroundings, light hums leaving me occasionally, I was reading a good book that had my interest for a while now, spotting Jinxx who came to my view lifting an eyebrow his way. It totally looked like I was about to get scolded.

I nodded towards him meaning that I heard him turning my music down for a second, lifting myself up to the sitting position with a low groan from the aching popping noises coming from my bones.  "Five weeks, you've been ignoring."  He informed me.  Even though I already knew that. I shook my head a once.

"I've done way longer five weeks try five months."  I answered him bringing my hand up to stroke at my chin a few times. 

"You're gonna regret it."  Jinxx once again told to  me he made me sit up to the max, so he could sit for a moment besides me.

"You know how moody Andy gets."  Jinxx commented towards me, letting his head rest back into the sofa. Of course I didn't mean anything I was saying with a bitter undertone to everything that kept leaving me.

"I don't care, he shouldn't have accused me of insulting his fiance when I never do. it's her who does it to me."  I grumbled loosely in hard tone  Jinxx nodded hard a few times, his head still in place.

"I know Bryce and it's not right like at all."  licking his lower lip, he then tilted his head towards me  "Can't you try and get along with her?" He asked me. I scoffed slowly rolling my eyes up to face the ceiling.

"I have tried for years. when we first met I was so kind to her.  She has hated me from the start because of how long I knew him and she hates me for not even a good fucking reason," I sighed deeply for a moment rubbing at the bridge of my nose a few short times.

"Jinxx I'm sorry."  I gestured to him for a small minute, keeping my eyes on him. "But I'm so tired beyond anything. I've never been this exhausted."  him he looked at me with soft eyes.

"I'm so tired of trying to save our friendship he won't listen to me and I'm just done with it all,"  I forced it out  with a small shake to my head. "I can't keep doing the same cycle were I forgive him like I use to its mentally tiring and draining ." I crumbled out, "it's also physical too." I breathed out taking a deep breath in.

"Smoking doesn't help, drinking use too."  I explained to him, finding myself saying more than I should like word vomit slipping out each and every worry.  He looked at me deeply concerned moving through his eyes.  "Even this doesn't help."  I showed him my bandaged arms, after dropping my sleeve down. Jinxx gasped looking pissed off in such a quick instant.

"Bryce you swore you stopped that shit."  He snapped at me so fast like, I shut my eyes for a small second behind my glasses,yanking the sleeve back down almost fumbling as I did so.

"I know Jinxx...  For a while I was doing really good it just started back up again. It doesn't even hurt the pain just numbs for a little while. I let them bleed out then I clean them wrap them all over again," I explained for the first time, telling someone how the entire process, and experience felt.  Jinxx let an angry noise out sighing while rubbing his palm across his face again.

"This isn't fucking healthy Bryce, like at all what if one day you cut too deep and don't clean yourself right?" He shot the question sternly at me It made me gulp a little. Jinxx could be really scary when he wanted to be.

"Maybe one day it will." I muttered under my breath hoping he didn't quite hear me but of course  Jinxx scowled at me for a moment, his fist firmly pressed on his cheek. "Bryce. I'm saying this cause you are my friend and cause I care about you, but Andy isn't worth all this I know you love him but you're hurting yourself more over this." Jinxx whispered his gaze staying on me.

"Bryce look at me love isn't worth all this if it hurts."  He whispered, I totally hated that he was speaking a lot of sense that needed to be knocked into my dumb head. I gulped down the hard lump forming in my throat, "It's not for Andy." I whispered it never was.... I shook out forcefully.  "I'm done trying he lets Juliet blind him sometimes, and love does that." I called Jinxx studied me looking into my brown eyes.

I chuckled a little bit, at least trying to lighten the very dark mood suddenly.  "I'm sorry I hate what I do and the impact I leave but it's a numb pain and I'll be alright I promise."  I just needed to reassure him that it would be okay eventually, Jinxx released out a soft sigh before long he was hugging me tightly, bringing me to his side.

"You selfish bastard." He cursed me firmly trapping me in the breath grip of a full life time. "Stop hurting yourself idiot." He hissed out even more at me, I hugged him back needing the hug since it felt nice and it's been a while since me and Jinxx hugged like one on one for a while.

"I'll try but this time it's harder to stop when it's already begun,"  I told him  Jinxx then back pulled away looking at me firmly.

"I don't care about Andy right now. It's for us you're gonna stop for us Bryce we don't wanna lose you."  Jinxx called sternly, I looked at him and then nodded. "I'll try Jinxx I promise."

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