Chapter Twelve

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Bryce's Pov
"Wow, I haven't look this decent in a while," I muttered to myself slowly licking my lower lip, I was actually impressed.  I had a killer headache and hangover I even told Andy last night that I was madly in love with him. So how much more could my life go down hill?

I sort of made him cry which I didn't mean at all and then just passed out like nothing else happened. I adjusted my bowtie looking at my white button long sleeve with black skinny jeans and then white low converse semi-casual and formal for the wedding. It had been years since I had worn a real suit.

I held my aching head once with my hand hissing softly my phone released a small buzz into the air. I made my way across the hardwood floor grabbed it holding it. I cracked a small sad smile at the message Ashley sent.

Ashley: I'll be at your house in ten minutes be ready to please and be happy for me?

I smiled sadly slowly looking at the ceiling pushing my glasses on my face. I'll try Ashley I hope I can I thought I shook my head a few times I could really use a smoke right about now. I thought shoving my phone back into my back pocket I had ten minutes of my own freedom before hell begins again for me like always.

I didn't wanna be here but then again I would do everything I could to make sure he is happy its what he needs and deserve after everything we went through. I held back a soft yawn, shaking my head a few times so I could at least focus.

The actual wedding reception was on the bottom floor and the top floor was empty, much to the what I needed for this headache. I was leaning against the railing my head on the cold railing  watching from up above, the cooking sensation calming me.

I had to admit Juliet had a beautiful dress it suited her very well. I puffed my lips out a bit, they had finally got to the vows Andy's mom and dad were here, Juliet's parents everyone basically close within our friend group.

"Andrew Drew Biersack do you take Juliet Simms to be your lawful wife?" The man asked softly. I studied Andy deeply he slowly looked down then back up at Juliet slowly my eyes widen from shock.

"I... I don't feel the same." Andy called out there was loud and soft gasps around even I was stunned doing a double take.

"What?" Juliet called clearly hurt. "Andy..." Juliet called yet again.

"I'm sorry Juliet." Andy started out talking very slow like, "but I don't feel the same and I didn't mean to wait this long to realize that." Andy called out.

"Andy all these years." Juliet snapped very upset. Andy looked up and gaze straight into my eyes from up at me from all the way from up here. I gasped softly backing up there was a loud commotion and yelling.

I saw Jinxx and Ashley secretly high five so fast like, you had to blink to actually see it.  Juliet let an angry cry out before she slapped Andy hard on the cheek.  I found myself wincing holding my jaw shocked,b oh my gosh. I caused this didn't I? I'm a homewrecker I thought very upset turning away quick I pushed away in deep thought.

I sat outside the catholic alter sitting on the bench smoking a cigarette in a small daze letting the ash burn the only thing running through my head. I ruined a somewhat great relationship and soon to be married all because of one of my drunk rants,d it felt good that it was off my chest but not really either.

I still could hear how angry some people were. Juliet had even started crying angry tears, all the work and it goes down the drain.

I jolted quickly flicking my eyes up hearing a deep clear of the throat having my whole attention. "Can I sit?" Andy asked softly his tailor coat draped over his arm showing off his white part of the tux and black slakes. I nodded, "Go ahead." I muttered. He sat down beside me, I smoked one last bit of the cigarette before putting it out.

"Andy, why did you do that why did ruin the one who love you?" I asked him deeply upset. Andy looked up at me his blue eyes holding something deeply, "Because I don't feel the same towards Juliet not after last night." He explained to me.

"I didn't mean to ruin it." I stammered out.

"You didn't." Andy called out fast. "I finally realized what was in front of me real love all this time you have been in love with me deeply and I ignored it." He called softly.

He licked his lower lip at me a couple times "Juliet had love, but your love was real love you had  home inside you, you truly had my heart no matter how many years I was with Juliet you had way more." Andy told me deeply.

My heart was pounding deeply "Someone said love wasn't meant to break." Andy called out slowly looking ahead "So.." He continued. "I'm not letting you go because I love you too." He glanced at me for a moment,  "Jesus." I whisper my hangover still crashing over me.

I pushed my glasses on my face more I shut my eyes feeling Andy laid his head on my shoulder.

"I love you Bryce." He muttered slowly, I hummed a small bit, "I love you too idiot." I muttered Andy chuckled deeply flicking his blue eyes to me lightly.  "Harsh." He whispered.

I smiled a small bit, "I'm tired actually." head He muttered, "I'm sure you are that slap didn't look pretty." I commented. Andy let a small surprised laugh out, "I got slapped by Juliet's mom too I know I hurt Juliet." Andy whispered breathlessly.

"But you can't force love," He whispered I opened my eyes now gazing at Andy the man I loved deeply. I let a small smile go across my face. "No you can't Andy." I muttered watching him shut his eyes I then brought my fingers out to stroke his cheeks gently like.

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