Chapter Twenty - Final Chapter

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Hope you all enjoy. 

There probably won't be a sequel :(


Chapter Twenty – Final Chapter

1 Year Later

~Tayah’s POV~

“Cheers” we smiled, as we clinked our bottles together.

Year twelve was over, exams were done and now we had time to relax and then to get the rest of our lives sorted out.

“Here’s to no more school” I smiled.

“No more uniform” Selena yelled. “Ugh, blazers and ties say their goodbyes.”

She paused and a huge grin appeared on her face.

“HEY! That rhymes!” she laughed.

“Genius Selly” Ricky laughed, pecking her lightly on the cheek.

Selena and Ricky had made the distance, there was too much between them for them to split.

Lulu had been put away, and we had gone back to school.

So much went on in that first week back we all wanted to return to the peace and serenity of that island. But we couldn’t and we wouldn’t.

Sophie and Liam stayed together, Katy and Hayden split. Things turned out like we never expected them. Jack and Sienna were left alone when we all went out for valentines the following February and a something happened that only they know about, making them fall for each other.

Tyson and Hannah split, when he moved away. They grew apart, nothing could stop it happening.

Brodie left our group all together, and started hanging out with the band crew, finding his muse in a musical instrument.

And Casey and I remained as happy as we were before.

“I feel like dancing” Sienna laughed, looking comfortable in Jack’s lap.

“Then why don’t you?” Jack smiled.

“Because there’s no music!” Sienna pointed out the obvious.

“I got a song that….” Selena began.

“NO!” we all yelled.

Selena put on a fake depressed face, and then cracked and laughed it off.

“I want to boom bang bang with your body-o” I sang.


“It’s gonna be a bumpy ride” Selena finished in her crazy Jamaican accent.

We started laughing all over again, and finished up with a sigh. Then we sat in silence for an awkward amount of time.

“THAT’S IT!” Selena yelled. “The song’s coming on!”

We all groaned as she put the song on full blast in our ears.

“Tayah” Casey whispered.

I looked in his direction and he tilted his head towards the back door. I nodded and discreetly left with him.

We walked off my property hand in hand and headed off down the road. We were walking at a comfortable pace.

“I’ve been thinking” he began.

My heart dropped, when Casey had been thinking it was never a good thing.

“About?” I asked.

My worry must have come out in my tone, because he stopped walking and looked at me with a grin on his face.

“Don’t worry, it’s nothing bad” he laughed.

“Well don’t start a sentence like ‘I’ve been thinking’” I sighed.

“I have been thinking” Casey continued. “About my future. About our future.”

“Our?” I asked.

“You’re a part of my future Tayah” he said. “You always will be.”

We continued all the way to the park, talking about the future. Where we wanted to go and what we wanted to do.

We came across a stream, where the only way to cross was the stones in the water.

“We should probably go back” I said.

“Nope, that’s no fun” Casey said. “Live a little.”

He dropped by hand and bounced across the stream, getting across quickly and easily.

“Come on Tayah” he said. “Now remember to watch your footing.”

I thought of the way he said ‘watch’ and why he meant so.

“Is it because I always fall off things?” I asked.

“Maybe” he smiled.

I stepped onto the first rock, and noticed black ink there.

‘Watch’ my footing. Now I knew what he meant.

“What’s with the ink?” I asked.

He remained silent, and I stared at the words which were slightly waterlogged but still readable.


I stepped onto the next stone, continuing to read the words.


 Onto the third stone.


And onto the last stone.


I looked up tears in my eyes, and saw him standing there, kneeled down with a glittering ring.

“When I was talking about the future, I was talking about you being my wife” he said, smiling.

“When I was talking about the future, I was talking about you being my husband” I said.

“Will you marry me Tayah Euro?” he asked.

“Yes” I breathed.

I launched myself off the last rock and into his arms. The place where I had always felt safe, and stayed there for a while.

“Let me see if it fits” he breathed.

I slid back to the floor and felt the metal sliding onto my finger.

“Perfect” I sighed.

“Perfect” he repeated.

I leant forward and connected my lips with his just as the rain started. A kiss in the rain.

A happy ending. 






What did you think of that ending ? 

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