This Is All Over Nothing 1

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Juliet. Juliet. Juliet. That's all he talks about. Ever since I met him he was a kind, loving, bad ass guy who would never get a crush on a girl like Juliet. Trust me. I know Juliet. She's been my best friend for a long time too. Hell I introduced Andy to her.

Ever since that day I regert it. I've been Andy's best friend since kindergarten and now we are barley getting out of high school. We've always been there for each other no matter what.

When ever I was builled or abused, I ran to his house. When he was sad he come to me. I never lived in a house till I was sixteen. When I was sixteen, Andy's mom let me move in. I grew even closer to Andy then I did at the orphanage.

I know its lame for a girl like me, a hard core emo who wears piles of black and plenty of make up to look emo to get a crush on a guy like Andy. I mean he is also a hard core emo but he hasn't been the same since he met Juliet. It's like I'm not in his life anymore.

Its a good thing we go to the studio today. He won't bring Juliet. No. He cares to much about the band to bring Juliet. Ever since we released Kinves and Pens, reviews have been going up. Andy has been going nuts about this band. Since we were in elementary he wanted to start a band and here we are now. He has been pressuring us to finish recording so we could get out there and go on tour.

And of course, Andy is late. I know that I live with him and all but he's always off doing his own shit. So here we all are. Waiting for Andy to show. Oh and hey what do you know. He just showed up.

"Sorry I'm late guys!" He sounded out of breath as he talked super fast the minute a foot stepped in the room. I'm glad that Andy came by him self, it gives me the chance to show him I love him. God damn it!! I always speak to soon.

"Hey guys!! Its ok if I stay here today?" Juliet asked like we were gonna say yes but before anyone can say anything she saw me and practically squealed. "Oh my god!!! Its so nice to see you!!" She hugged me real tight as if I was her boy friend. Yeah you wish. I would never be Andy.

"Yeah you would see me if you weren't sucking his face." I mumbled under my breath so no one can hear but apparently Jinxx heard cause he was sitting right next to me. He was laughing like a maniac while the others just gave him an awkward look of confusion.

"Alright! Enough laughing and joking. Today is your Guy's last day recording before it gets released so let's get to it." Victor, our manager told us and we got to work.

I'm sorry I have not introduced myself. Well I did but not fully introduced. My name is Charlie. Charlie Brohoe but my friends call me Rocky. It just sounds cool. As I said, I've been friends with Andy and Juliet since elementary. Andy since kindergarten and Juliet since third. There's not much to know about me.

"Whooooo! I say we go celebrate!" Typical Ashley. I looked over to Andy and Juliet and they were kissing. It disgusts me seeing my true love with one of my best friends.

"Yeah I say we should go celebrate with shots. We did great recording and within hours our album is released." Everyone cheered as Andy finally said something we want to hear today. Everyone ran ahead while I stayed behind. Andy had noticed and came back for me.

"You coming Rocky?" Andy looked at me concerned. I shook my head. I'm not gonna go any where just to see two of my best friends make out especially when I'm madly in love with one. You might say jealousy but no its far from it.

I slowly backed up as Juliet tried to pull him to where the others have gone. Ok latly Juliet has been a bitch and has been making Andy stay away from me. We aren't really best friends. Not since I introduced her to Andy.

"Why not?" He had a disappointed look on his face. He knows me. Like the back of his hand. He knows what's up with me. "Come on! It'll be fun." It just angers me and also saddens me. Juliet pulled him back some more and kissed him. I took my chance and ran. I ran all the way home. God I'm such a jealous prick. Why can't I learn I can't have Andy? Its all over nothing.

Hey guys! New book. I got to admit its not that good but please tell me in the comments if I should continue this. Just type Charklie into the comments.

All Over Nothing- Andy Biersack StoryWhere stories live. Discover now