Endings And New Beginings17

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Charlies pov

All my stuff was packed and i was ready to go. I called Alice last night and told her everything with all the guys around me. They all pitched in and got me a plane ticket home. It was there i was destined to join Alice, Nathan, and Anthony in their band. Maybe i can be the frontman.

Juliet was told to pack up her shit and leave last night. No plane ticket, no goodbye. She just packed and left with out a word.

But today was the day. Im leaving the guys. Im leaving the band. Im leaving behind Andy for once. Although its gonna hurt losing my childhood best friend, im doing what's right.

"We are gonna miss you!" Jake said giving me a huge huge hug followed by the other guys joining in. I smiled. Im gonna miss these losers. We were all getting weird stares from other people at the air port but whats new.

"I'll miss you guys too." I couldnt stop smiling. Well that's until Andy emerged from the back of the group.

"I'll miss you Charlie. Best friends forever?" He held out his pinky. I was tempted to shove it in his face but after all, i grew up with Andy. Hes still my best friend. Im just probably not gonna see him for ever. I took his pinky in mine and gave him a big hug.

"Best friends forever." I whispered in his ear. He squeezed me tight before he pulled away. "See you in the future Andy." He smiled as a tear went down his cheek. It saddens me. All these years of having a crush on Andy and now here i am leaving him. Leaving my childhood best friend and leaving behind my career.

"Your gonna be late to your flight." CC said as they announced boarding numbers over the intercom. Nows the time. One last look at my friends. Who knows when the next time i will see them. Could be 3 months from now. Could be 5 years. Could be never. I guess I'll never know.

"One last hug!!" Ashley said and they all gave me a big group hug, concluding Andy.

"Bye guys! I'll miss you!" I said walking away towards the gate.

"Dont forget to stay in touch!" Jake called out.

"I wont!" I took one last look. Tears started to form in my eyes as i handed the flight attendant my boarding pass and she let me through the gate. I smiled at Andy, remembering all those years spent with him.

"Ma'am. Go ahead." The flight attendant took me out of my thoughts and i walked into to gate, getting on the plane. Here i am. 18 years old. Leaving behind my life goal and my childhood to join another band. Its needed.

As soon as i sat down, my tears just started to flow. But i wasnt sad. I was happy. Im gonna miss those losers.

Andys pov

I hurt so much when Charlie left. Seeing her walk onto that plane leaving behind everything. It hurt. But it was her decision. I dont know if I'll ever see her again but maybe its for the best. She loved me and i hurt her. I loved her and i lost my chance. I messed it up.

Maybe her leaving is a good thing regardless how much it hurts. "Come on Andy. We gotta get back to the bus." Jinxx said putting his hand on my shoulder. He was right. We have a career right here. I need to finish this tour no matter how much im hurting or how depressed i am. This is the start to our career. I cant fuck it up anymore than i did. Its what charlie wanted me to do.

Im only 18. I have a whole life ahead of me and im ready to live it. I wont forget about you Charlie. Ever. I hope to see you soon.



That was the end. How was it? Anyway there is gonna be a sequel and yes. I know there are only 17 chapters in this book but who cares. Anyway. Stay tuned for more

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