Race Against Prom And Juliet 14

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Andy's pov

I was having a blast at prom with Charlie. We were singing along and dancing to our selves in back.

When 'We Stitch These Wounds' came on i sang my heart out to Charlie. I wanted to tell her i loved her but im trapped. Im with Juliet and i love her. I kissed her and it just felt so right. This was the first time me and my best friend has kissed. She kissed back in such a passionate way almost telling me that she liked me.

Juliet flashed my mind and i immediately regretted kissing her. Its not that i didnt want to but i just cheated on Juliet. Jeez. I wonder what she will think. Unless i don't tell her at all.

Charlie's friends came over demanding to talk to her alone so i left to get some punch and think. Would everything be different if Juliet was here?

I looked out into the sea of people dancing and singing along vigorously and caught a face ever so familiar. It looked almost like Juliet. But it cant be. She said she had a family emergency.

I decided to follow the girl. To see if it was actually Juliet. But once i jumped in the crowd it was so hard to see and maneuver.

Charlie's pov

We rushed into the sea of bodies in hope to find Juliet before she finds Andy where ever he went to. Or he finds her. God shes wasnt even supposed to be here.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen of west brooke high! Its time to announce prom king and queen!" The principal announced on the microphone. I looked at the stage and sure enough there he was with the crowns and his assistants. Fuck. That means we are running on the clock.

"You guys go find Juliet. Me and Charlie will go find Andy." Alice yelled over everyone. And we split up. We shoved past person after person trying to find him. God this is harder than i thought.

"Now. This year we do have a surprising winner so get ready for that shocker." The principal chuckled and he reached for the first envelop. I shoved more people, determined to find Andy.

"This years prom king is..." I glanced to my right and there was Andy, standing in the distance looking straight at me, smiling. I walk towards him, almost running. "Andy Biersack!" The principal yelled and a spot light hit Andy. Oh no. I was too late. Juliet knows hes here. She knows where he is now.

As the crowd cheered, i saddened even more. This was gonna be the night i told Andy but now its to late. Before reaching the stage he gave me one last look at me and smiled.

"Well we tried." Alice sounded very pissed. And i wouldn't blame her. Juliet is a bitch and a liar. I started walking to the tables in the back ready to sit the rest of the night.

"And this years prom queen goes to.....Charlie Brohoe!" For a second the crowd was quiet but it didn't faze me. I just kept walking to the tables. But then a spotlight hit me and the crowd cheered. Thats when it hit me. I was prom queen. And my king was Andy. My anger and sadness all went away as i headed for the stage with cheers and screams. Suck that Juliet.

I met Andy on stage as they crowned me. This was the best night of my life. Never in my life growing up would i think that i would be crowned. I always thought of it as clique.

After the King and Queen dance, the crowd went back to singing and dancing along. Me and Andy were ourselves dancing when all of a sudden i was pushed. I tripped on Andy and end up toppling to the ground, slamming my face on the floor.

"Charlie! Oh my God are you ok?" Andy said rushing to my side and helping me up. I can feel blood trickle from my forehead and nose.

"What the fuck?!" I screamed as i looked up to see who pushed me. And of course, it was none other than Juliet. Thats it. Im pissed.

"How dare you get all up on my man like that you whore!" She screamed at me. Andy stood up and confronted her.

"Dont call her that. And she is my best friend Juliet. And plus we were required to do the dance since we were fucking crowned!" Ive never seen Andy so pissed before. Juliet pushed his buttons.

Alice cane running over trying to wipe the blood up and stop my head from bleeding.

"Why wont you dance with me then?" Juliet said ever so innocently. Gid i wanted to beat a bitch up.

"You said you weren't coming today. Juliet. Lets not do this here. Go home. I'll call you later." He seemed more calm. Juliet looked at me with such disgust before walking off.

Andy sighed before attending to me again. "Are you ok?" He asked examining my head.

"No it hurts like a bitch and wont stop bleeding." I looked up at him, tears begging to spill out my eyes. Andy looked to Alice before nodding.

"Im gonna take her home. You guys need a ride?" She shook her head. With that Andy helped me up and we headed home where he cleaned me up and bandaged me.

I got into clean pajamas and took off all my make up. I took down my hair and layed in bed. Tonight was a weird night. Me and Andy had the most fun we can ever had. I fell even more in love with him. But ever since we got home he hasn't said a word to me. Just cleaned me up and sent me to bed.

After about an hour with my mind running through the events of today i was wide awake. I couldn't sleep at all. I decided to head over to Andy's room.

I knocked on his bedroom door and waited for his soft response. "Come in!" He said and i went in.
"Whats up Charlie?" He asked as i walked in the door.

"Can i sleep with you tonight?" I shyly asked, afraid he might yell.

"Yeah come on." He scooted over to one side of the bed so that i layed on the other with distance still between us. "Goodnight Andy." I said yawning and starting to drift off. His bed is so much comfier.

"Goodnight my queen." He said quietly thinking i didn't hear. I smiled. Just as i was about to sleep Andy scoots his body towards me and attempts to cuddle with me. Eventually we fell asleep cuddled up on each other.

Lol. This was kinda written badly cause i was in a hurry. I just wanna finish this book already. Like 2 more chapters. Or 4.

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