Jealousy Of A Female Rocker 3

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Just as I ran through the door of my shared house with Andy, Mrs. Biersack stopped me. She unbraced me in her arms and I cried. I cried cause I was weak. I cried cause I was a jealous prick.

Mrs. Biersack sat me on the couch that ive always liked while she sat in the chair she always sits in when this stuff happens.

"Whats wrong Charlie?" I sighed, remembering Juliets ugly face and her always stealing my best friend away from me. I sighed once more in frustration.

How am i gonna tell her my problems when i font even know where to start? Do i tell her that Juliet is a bitch? Or do i tell her that all along i liked Andy?

"It has to do with Andy doesn't it?" I looked at Mrs. Biersack and gave her a slight smile. I hate that she can read my mind sometimes. "Tell me, what about Andy us making you feel this way?" I sighed and looked down at my feet.

"I like Andy. Ive have since fifth grade." Mrs Biersack laughed. I outta slap her if she wasn't my caretaker.

"Ha. Chris you owe me ten bucks!" She calls out to Mr. Biersack. I was a little shocked yet angry.

"You betted on that?!" She laughed once more before giving me a straight face. It was really creepy.

"So what does liking Andy have to deal with your sadness or your anger? Is it his girlfriend?" Man. She is a good therapist. I nodded my head, Juliet, popping up in my head. I just want to punch the bitch.

"Well Juliet is always taking Andy away form me. From the guys. Whenever i get even a foot near him she gets jealous and angry. And Andy doesn't see this. He doesn't see that Juliet practically bullied us. We all hate her but Andy loves her." I almost puked saying the 'L' word. I hate it so much. But yet i do to Andy.

"Well, i know you two are best friends but you cant always have each other around. It will cause a fight. Trust me. But your right. Juliet is getting out of hand and believe me when i say me and Chris hate her too." I smiled making a small chuckle fall from my mouth. Every one hates the bitch.

"And besides i think your getting jealous of the two." My smile instantly fell. Shes right. God shes right. Ive been jealous of Juliet cause she has Andy and i dont. But better yet she keeps him away.

"Man your right." I sighed. Mrs. Biersack put her hand on mine as she sighed to.

"What ever you do i won't be mad. But you need to take care of this situation." I nodded my head and Mrs. Biersack went upstairs. Probably to get her betting money from her husband.

"Its time to change my act." I said before going upstairs and falling asleep on my bed.

Well sorry guys. It was a short one but a good one. I guess. Anyway i thought i let you know that this is gonna be a short book. And there might be a sequel but it depends on if i finish my other books. So here you go.

Oh and im updating this book at least everyweek. But you might and i said might see a chapter tomorrow.

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