Pierced (The Veil) 8

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Andy's pov

"Im so glad you kids to are going out and spending time together." Mom ruffled my long hair as she smiled at ghe both if us.

"Mom!" I whinned. I looked over at Charlie asking for help but she just smiled and rolled her eyes.

"Ok. Have fun you too. Remember you guys have school tomorrow so be home before 10." She said as i walked out the door with Charlie. We got in my car and headed to my car.

"Can we stop at the gass station. I gotta get something." I nodded my head and pulled into the gas station parking lot. I parked the car and she headed into the gas station. I got out my phone and browsed around as i waited for her to come back.

I heard the car door open and then close again. I smiled.

"Ready to go?" I asked excitedly and i looked up to see Juliet smiling back at me in the back. My smile dropped as i turned around to face her.

"What are you doing here?" I raised my voice a little as anger boiled up inside me. Its supposed to be me and Charlie today. Not with her.

"What? I cant tag along with my boyfriend?" She smiled. I tried to keep my cool.

Before i said anything, Charlie appeared and hopped into the car. Once she looked back she looked pissed and a little hurt. Juliet however looked pissed.

"Juliet look. Today its just me and Charlie. You cant tag along today." She seemed like she was about to snap and come at me.

"Why not? I don't see the problem with it?" Did she not just hear what i just told her? Jesus. Do they really hate eachother?

"Because baby, me and Charlie need some time together like the old days. Just the two of us." Juliet does this everytime. Its probably part of the reason why me and Charlie hardly spend time together anymore. Juliet always pulls me back away from her like shes jealous. Juliet honestly lately has been getting on my nerves.

"Just let me ta..." She started but Charlie cut her off in a rude way.

"He said no now go." They gave each other evil looks as if they were giving death threats to each other in their minds.

"Fine. You want me to go then fine. Have fun with that bitch Andy." She said before she got out the car before i can yell at her. It angered me that she just called my best friend a bitch. I looked over at Charlie who didnt even seemed surprised.

"Im so sorry Charlie. I dont know what her problem is and im so sorry that she called you that." I apologised and she just looked at me with no expression in her face.

"Just go." With out a word i started the car and drove my way to the mall.

"Im so sorry Charlie. I'll talk to her about it later." I foucused on the road as she just looked out her window without saying a word. I felt so bad. I don't know what Juliets problem is. I thought they were friends.

"Shes just jealous cause im awesome." She says with a smile and a chuckle. But behind her eyes i cam see something else. Shes hiding something. And i plan to get to the bottom of it.

We arrived at the mall and parked the car. As we made our way to the doors Charlie started running amd she yelled "Last one to the mall is a rotten egg." I immediately started chasing after her. Eventually i passed her and i beat her inside.

"No fair! You got long legs." She excliamed as she tried to catch her breath.

"Yeah but you had a head start. So you now have to pay for lunch." I smiled as she lightly punched my arm. We both started to double over in laughter. This is the times i remember with my best friend. The times before the band. Before Juliet.

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