Whats Wrong 11

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Andys pov

After i hugged Charlie goodnight i layed awake in bed. My heart and stomach feeling weird. I still liked Charlie. I still have a crush on her. But i have Juliet. And i love her. I have to stay with her. Shes nice and really sweet. Mom and dad both love her.

Thats why i asked Juliet out. Thats why i asked Juliet to our senior year prom. I was devastated nonetheless to find out she couldn't go and i had no one but the band to talk to about it.


Charlie has been ignoring all week and i just dont know why. I would try to talk to her and she would just look away. I dont know if its something i did or said.

Its finally Thursday. The day before prom where i decided to go with my friends instead. After dinner Charlie just went straight to her room without a word and i was left to do dishes again.

"I wonder what has gotten into her." Mom said giving me the rest of the dishes. She turned to me when i didnt answer and shut off the water.

"Hey!" I said finally giving her a look. She gave me that look saying it all. "Fine. I'll go and talk to her." She took over the dishes as i headed upstairs to Charlie's room.

I knocked on the door and waited.
"Come in!" I was thrown back. This is the first time im hearing her talk since the mall. I entered the room and as soon as she saw me she looked away. I sighed.

"What's wrong Charlie? You've been ignoring me all week." It kinda hurt me seeing her act this way towards me. Im her best friend.

After a couple minutes of silence i spoke again. "Im your best friend Charlie. Im here for you. You can tell me whats wrong." She finally looked at me and gave me a small smile.

"Nothing Andy. Im fine. Its just i didnt want to get in the way." I was confused. Was she talking about my relationship? Before i can ask she gave me a hug, letting me know she was ok. I hugged back and gave a smile.

"So are you going to prom?" She nodded her head and pointed to the dress hanging off her chair.

"Anthony asked me." I dont know why but at that moment my heart sank. A part of me wanted her to go with me.

"Thats nice. How sweet of him." I said not even in control of my speech any more.

"What about you Andy? You going with Juliet?" It felt like a truck hit me. For some reason i felt sick to my stomach.

"Juliet was busy. Said it was a family business." She rolled her eyes and looked away out the window. "Im going with the guys." I wanted to ask her. But i dont know what she would say. She was going with Nathan. Besides who would want to go to prom with their best friend.

"Maybe we can dance together." She giggled and made my heart churn. Why am i feeling this way. I have a girl friend. She nudged my side and smiled. I smiled back.

"Or terrorize the kids." I said making her laugh more. This made me smile. It was good to see the Charlie i know back.

"Andy?" I looked to Charlie and we locked eyes. Her nice hazel green eyes have always caught my attention. At that moment my crush for her was growing stronger. She started to inch closer to me and i to her. Our faces were just inches apart. Just as we were about to kiss my mom knocks on the door and we immediately pulled apart and scooted a little bit away from each other.

"Come in!" Charlie said. She sounded sad or disappointed.

"You two should head to bed. You have a big day tomorrow." She smiled before walking out. I looked back over to Charlie who was looking into the distance.

"Why dont you go to prom with me?" She looked at me and gave me a big smile before nodding crazy. I myself couldnt stop smiling.

"Sure." We said goodnight before heading to bed.

I liked Charlie. But im with Juliet and i love her. I cant just straight up leave Juliet. Maybe going to prom with Charlie is a bad idea. Heck i might kiss her like we almost did tonight. I guess we will see at prom.

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