New Begginings 15

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2  months later

Graduation was around the corner. Which meant that we were out of high school and into a whole new world. We were a band, about to go on tour to kick start our career. I was excited expect for that fact that Juliet was going with us.

After prom things have been getting dramatic and weird and just plain out different. Andy talked to Juliet and forgave each other. Which meant they were still dating. And yes, you guessed it, i barley got to see Andy. Juliet would always have him. Every time Andy looked at me i could see something in his eyes. I didnt know what that something was but he just looked sad all the time.

Andy couldn't go near me and i near him because of Juliet. I dont think he knows whats she doing. But if her attitude keeps up im out.

Alice, Nathan, and Anthony have been getting their band popular as well. They are almost set for their album. Im proud of them.

As for the supposed romance me and Andy had at prom, well its dead. So i was back to loving Andy and being jealous of his bitchy girlfriend.

"Come on!! We are gonna be late for the graduation!" Anthony yelled bringing me out of my thoughts. I grabbed my things and headed out the door.


"Whoooo! We did it!!" Alice screams as we walk to the parking lot after the ceremony. It was a heart felt ceremony. Four years of high school and here i am. Four long, boring years of high school with my friends i love dearest. Im gonna miss them on tour.

"I say we all celebrate!" Nathan cheered as he threw his cap in the air again.

"Whats this about a party?" I felt a hand on my shoulder from where the voice came from and i looked up. There stood CC. Man i haven't seen this guys in such a long time.

"CC!!" I yelled hugging him tightly. CC was a friend of mine and Andy. He played drums like me. Sometimes he would jam with us in the basement of Andys house. Like Andy, i grew up with CC. But about 6 years ago he had moved to California.

"Het kiddo!" Ashley and the guys came over as well hugging me and congratulating me on finishing school.

"Its so nice to see you again Rocky." CC said smiling and looking at the guys. They were as surprised as i was.

"Uh oh. Bitch alert." Alice said nudging me and pointing to Juliet hiding behind the guys welcome party.

"Just ignore her guys." I told them and we all talked amongst our selves before all deciding to go out to eat and celebrate.


"You sure your gonna be ok on tour?" Amy asked as she handed me my last suit case.

I nodded my head and shoved the suit case in the bus before hugging her.

"Be good ok? Dont get into trouble with Juliet." Chris said coming out the house.

"She wont." Anthony asked. My face lit up as my friends came in view.

"Hey!!" I hugged each one of them and we all said our goodbyes. There was crying and tight hugs. Fare well and warnings. It felt like forever but hey, they are just excited for us.

"Come on Charlie! We gotta go!" Andy yelled from the bus as it stated up. I said my final goodbyes and hopped on the bus.

Well here we go. Starting of a new life for me.


Sorry was a filler. Book almost done and then we gonna have a second one. So stay tuned.

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