Chapter 19

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~7 months later~

Finally, 7 months passed and Niall will be home soon! Tonight's the first time that I'll see him preform live. I'm so happy.

"Love?" He says snapping me back out of my daze.

"Yes?" I say extremely happy, gosh I had to bite my bottom lip to keep me from smiling anymore. It's starting to hurt my cheeks.

"I'll see you tonight, right?" He asks, WHY WOULD HE NOT?!

"Obviously, I wouldn't miss it!" I say now letting all my happiness go.

"Okay Love, gotta go now, we are preparing." He chuckles, my cheeks are really hurting now...

"Okay, bye. Love you!" I say and then hang up. I fall down onto the bed letting go of my phone and covering my face with my hands.

I can't wait.

~Arriving concert~

I cant wait! I cant wait!!

What if he doesn't like me anymore. He does! I mean I hung up before he could say it so I don't know.

Jesus so many people are here waiting for him, well them. I keep getting pushed further into the crowd and I'm starting to get a couple of stares.

They know me, what if they hate me? I shouldn't be here, this is a mistake.

*Ring Ring*

"Hello?" I answer not looking at the caller ID.

"Hey Love, you here yet?" The voice answers, that's definitely Niall with his thick Irish accent which I love so much.

"Yes, I'm here." I say a slight smile spreading across my face.

"Where exactly are you?"

"At the entrance of the arena but I'm getting pushed in by your fans." I say slightly annoyed. I'm trying to get out the way but it doesn't seem to be working.

"I'll send some people over to get you." He says hanging up before I can reject his offer. He knows me too well. I don't like being taken by his guards because it brings too much attention to me.

"Mrs.Horan." I hear a guy say from behind me. I turn around and am greeted by one of Niall's guards. Why I'm the world did he call me 'Mrs.Horan'? I'm not married to Niall.

Walking with the guard by my side gave me a lot of nasty stares especially when he called me Mrs.Horan.

"Niall doesn't love you whore!" I hear someone scream as someone else pulls my hair, hard. The guard quickly rushes me over to the backstage area while slightly pushing people who were getting VERY close.

When we get there I turn around and face the crowd which hates me so much, for no reason. I start to then guide my hand to where the pain was in on my head and start to massage it, whoever pulled my hair did it really freaking hard and it hurt.

My eyes start to water and before I can even wipe the now falling tears away I hear Niall yell my name.

"Alex!" I hear Niall yell. I don't even have the time to turn around when a pair of arms wrap around me. I smile at his touch.

"I missed you so much." I say with my voice cracking at the end. I'm crying. I turn around to now face him and hug him tight.

"I missed you too, but what's wrong?" He questions as he holds me out to face him. He looks concerned. I can't tell him that I didn't feel like I should be here after what his fans did because that would hurt his feelings, so I tell him a slight lie but also the truth.

"Because I'm happy Niall, I love you and these are happy tears." I say giving him a reassuring look. He then cups my face and smashes his lips on mine.

Oh god how I've missed his kisses, his touches, how I missed him.

"Niall hurry up! We are on stage in 5." Someone interrupts us. We both look at who was saying that and I see no other than Liam.

"I'll be right there mate!" Niall yells back as he quickly turns to me and kisses me one last time before rushing away.

I caught myself smiling like an idiot and quickly brush it off. I love him so much.

"Miss we were told that we have to take you out front to view the concert. We have our best security for you." A security guard says while leading me back outside to where all the noises are coming from.

Here we go again, all the people staring. I kinda wish Niall wasn't famous but I love seeing him do what he loves.

All of the sudden as we stop in my 'placement' the lights turn off and all the girls and boys start to scream. I guess they're coming out now.

~During Show~

I'm enjoying Niall and the boys sing when a guy comes up to me and starts hitting on me.

"Hey beautiful, are you here alone?" He asks smirking and getting really close.

"No I'm here with my boyfriend." I slightly yell, so he could hear me, and put out a hand to stop him.

"Pfft I don't see him, where is he?" He asks and I point to the stage where an angry Niall stands eyeing the dude down. He turns to Niall and then to me.

"Like that could ever happen." He says pushing my hand down and forcing himself on me. The guards, and Niall, take notice and grab him. Niall on the other hand gets down from the stage to where he could see and almost touch me but before he can jump over the gates the security guards stop him because there were loads of fans ready to jump on him. All the music had stopped and everyone who could was staring at us.

"Don't you EVER touch her again." He says slightly aggressive to the guy being taken away by the security. I start to walk towards Niall but get stopped by his fans forming a circle around me. I look around trying to figure out what's happening and trying to make my way through but can't do anything. I can hear Niall screaming my name but I can't see him.

His 'fans' start to pull my hair and start saying mean things.

"Niall doesn't love you!" I hear one say.

"You don't deserve Niall!" I hear another.

"You ugly bitch!" Is all I hear before I see Niall pushing and shoving his way to me not caring about his screaming fans. Some of his fans were trying to help me but couldn't.

"Alex!" Niall says while grabbing ahold of me. He stops and stares at the people who did this to me.

"What is wrong with you!?" He yells and my eyes widen, I've never seen him this mad. Last time I saw him like this was with Chase. The entire arena was silent. Liam, Louis, and Harry were staring down at what was happening and were telling the fans to stop.

"I'm done for today, I'm leaving!" He says loud enough so people can hear and then he takes me by my hands and pulls me out of this mess.

I caused it all, it's all my fault.

THANKS FOR READING!!!! I hope you enjoyeddd!!

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