Chapter 28

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"Angel?!" I hear Niall yell as he looks for me.

"You won't win Niall! I got better at shooting." I whisper the last part as I hear a noise in the kitchen.

I quietly make my way over to our kitchen and spot Niall trying to pick up the fruits he dropped.

"Got you!" I yell as I shoot him on his bum.

"Shit that hurt my arse!" He says as he rubs his bum.

"I win!" I say as I do my "winners dance"

"No you don't!" He says now placing his nerf gun on the table.

"Yes I do, I shot you." I say now getting defensive, I want Taco Bell not Nandos.

"No you don't, there's one more thing you forgot to do." He says now coming over to me.

"Hmm and what's that?" I ask as he's now face to face with me.

"Where's me Kiss?" He asks and I smile at him.

"That wasn't part of the deal Ni." I now chuckle.

"It was! Now kiss me you fool." He says as he tries to kiss me but since I'm such a tease I run away and hide in the closet. He thought it would be easy, nope.

"If you want a kiss you have to promise to get Taco Bell not Nandos! We have had it too many times already!" I yell as I push myself more into the closet and stop when I feel the wall hit my back. It goes silent for a while so I decide to get out and look for Niall.

"I promise." I hear someone say before a pair of arms wrap around me and a warm body is against me.

"Okay." I smile as I turn my head and peck Niall on the lips. I love how childish we are.

"Hey That wasn't a kiss!" He says and I roll my eyes and begin to kiss his lips then his nose and all throughout his face.

"Satisfied?" I ask and a wide smile spreads across both of our faces.

"Oh that reminds me," Niall interrupts our little smiley session.

"Can I take you out tonight?" Niall asks.

"Yeah, where to?"

"Dunno," He says while scratching the back of his head

"Wait! I forgot that a new place opened up across the street. It's supposed to be an Italian restaurant. We can go there." He suggests and for once, I agree on his choice.

"Sounds great Ni." I peck his lips once more and pull apart but seems as though Niall didn't want me to as he lifted me and sat me on the kitchen counter. I guess being shorter has its perks.

"You're so beautiful." He says as he brushes a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Oh stop it you're making me blush." I say sarcastically, hiding my face and then laughing.

"No but really!" He says as he laughs back.

"And you're my little handsome baby." I place my hands on his cheeks when I say baby and kiss him.

"Okay well then, skipping Taco Bell?" He asks as he plays with my ring. As much as I want Taco Bell, I want to go on this date with Niall. We haven't properly gone out since the Chase incident. Which was like 3 months ago.

"Okayyyy." I drag out the Y and small smile comes across his face.

Niall's Point Of View

"Okay then since it's already late, get ready and we'll go as soon as possible!" I quickly kiss her and leave her alone so she can't be lazy and change her mind.

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