Let's Get Together

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Nicki's P.O.V.

Today the girls and I are going back to Starbucks to meet up with Merida and her sister. This is a very exciting day for the girls and I because we rarely get to know fans in a personal aspect. You know, I could really use some chocolate! Stay focused!!!!! Anyway, I better go get dressed, I'm still in my pajamas, its too early for this. I would just go in my pajamas, but Zayn is here, talk about awkward. I grabbed some jeans and a t-shirt and threw them on, along with a pair of Converse.

"Perrie! I'm going to Starbucks!!!" I said. I think she and Zayn were still sleeping, but a few minutes later Perrie came out of her bedroom, bed head and all.

"Didn't you just go yesterday?" She asked sleepily.

"Yes, but I'm not getting anything this time." I said.

"Then what's the point?" She said.

"The girls and I are meeting up with some friends. Then we're coming back here, so please make sure that you and Zayn are completely dressed." I said.

"Whatever Nicki...I'm going back to bed." She said.

"C'mon Ron! We gotta pick up my friends!!!!!" I said to our security guard.

"All right the truck is ready and waiting." He said in a very manly voice.

Merida's P.O.V.

Today is a very special day! Joy and I are meeting up with Izzy, Jazzy, and Nicki! Joy isn't awake yet, I should go get her up, we're going to be late. I opened the door to her room and jumped onto her bed.

"Joy let's go!!!! We're going to be late!!!!!" I yelled.

"Merida, stop it! You're going to wake up Curtis and Isaac!" She said. This was true. So I whispered instead.

"Well c'mon, get up, get dressed, this is important!!!!!"

"Fine, I'm getting there, now go so I can get dressed!" She said.

"Ok, five minutes?" I asked.

"Yes, now go away!"

I walked out the door and went to start the car, as I was walking out my five year old brother Curtis came out, rubbing his eyes.

"Hey little man, why are you up so early?" I asked.

"I heard you get up and I wanted to get up too! Where are you going?" He asked.

"To go see some friends, but you, need to go back to bed." I said and picked him up.

"But, Mer, I wanna go!" He said.

"Fine, go get dressed..." I said, I wrote a note so my mom wouldn't freak out when she realized that Curtis wasn't there, then I went out and started the car.

Joy's P.O.V.

We all got into the car and I buckled Curtis up in his booster seat. Hopefully the girls don't mind us bringing him along. We couldn't resist his sweet little face. As much as Merida may think that I'm not excited about meeting Izzy, Jazzy and Nicki, I am, I'm just nervous. I'm just so shy, and insecure. Then there's Merida. We headed off to Starbucks and arrived ten minutes later.

Nicki's P.O.V.

The girls and I got to Starbucks a few minutes ago and were awaiting the arrival of our new best friends. We waited about ten minutes before we saw them walk in, we noticed that Merida was carrying a little boy, he had strawberry blonde hair and brown eyes. He was so adorable!

"Hey guys, I hope you don't mind that we brought our brother with us, he heard us leaving and wanted to come. This is Curtis, and my sister Joy." She said.

"No not at all, he's adorable! Hello Joy, I'm Nicki, and that's Izzy and Jazzy, and over there ordering the drinks for us is my sort of brother James Nelson."

"Hi guys..." Joy said sheepishly. Finally, another shy person!

"Ok, let's all go to my house now and we can hang out and get to know each other!" Jazzy said.

"Alright, we'll follow you guys!" Merida said.

Izzy's P.O.V.

Joy and Merida seem like really nice girls, I can't wait to get to know them! Right now we're at the Edwards house. We're all sitting on the couch in the living room getting to know each other.

"Let's see, my full name is Isabelle Mae Styles, I'm 18 and I only have one sibling, his name is Harry." I said.

"My full name is Jasmine Alexis Thirlwall, I'm 16 and my only sibling is Jade." Jazzy said.

"My full name is Nicole Aaiylah Edwards, I'm 16, and I have two siblings...sort of, Perrie and James Nelson" Nicki said.

"Yay! its my turn! My full name is Merida Eileen Knight, I'm 17 and I have 4 siblings. I'll let Joy introduce herself, and Curtis, so that leaves two, Isaac and Kyle." Merida said excitedly.

"My name Joy Bedalia Knight, I'm 17, I have four siblings, Merida, Kyle, Isaac, and Curtis." Joy said shyly.

"Is it my turn now?" Curtis asked.

"Yeah it is." I said to him.

"Ok, my name is, Curtis...um, Joy what's the rest of my name?" He asked. She whispered something in his ear, then he spoke again. "Oh, Curtis Batman Knight." Everyone started laughing and Curtis looked confused.

"Is his middle name really Batman?" Nicki asked.

"Yeah it really is! Now tell them how old you are." Joy said.

"I'm five!" He said jumping up and showing us five fingers.

"Well, we should get going, it's almost Curtis's nap time!" Merida said.

"Ok, bye Batman! Same time tomorrow guys?"

"Yeah sure, bye!" Joy said.

"Bye guys!" Curtis said, and we headed home.



I hope you are enjoying this book so far! I'm having a great time writing it! I love my readers! Please feel free to comment on this at any time! Give me your thoughts on it please!!!!!

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