Choir show

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Found a nightcore medley for this chappie

Aphmau's POV

I'd found a babysitter for Lilith, Levin, and Malachi since they would be a distraction in school.

"Okay class! Today you will be paired off into groups of four! We have a choir performance coming up and on my the best singers in the class are gonna get into it! Oh! And we're doing a medley!" The teacher yelled.

"Aphmau Phoenix, Azura Phoenix, Aaron Lycan, and Laurence Zvahl! Your group one! Go to the track to begin picking your songs and practice!" He said.

Unfortunately our old teacher never came back and we're stuck with Mr. Chicken Shaman for the rest of the year.

"Aww man! Why do we have to go outside...?" Azura complained.

"C'mon! It'll be fun!" Laurence said and Azura blushed.

"Oooh!!! MY little sister has a crush!!!" I said and her face went red.

"Okay guys! Let's go to the track! We can each pick our favourite song and then we can bland them together." Aaron said and we ran to the track.

"I WIN!!!" I cheered as I got to the track before the others.

"It wasn't a race Aph!" Aaron yelled as he ran to catch up with me.

"Geez.... how much energy do you have Aph...?" Laurence asked, out of breath.

"She... has a.... LOT." Azura said, panting as she reached the track after Laurence.

"Okay guys! I chose the song Alphabet boy!" I said.

"I choose Haunting!" Azura said.

"I choose for him!" Laurence said.

"I choose Stressed out!" Aaron said.

"Okay!" I said.

We practiced blending the songs together until the bell rang.

"Do you guys wanna stay out here and keep practicing since we all have lunch?" Laurence asked.

"Sorry, I have to go sit with Sky, Ross, Max, Barney, and Jin. We can meet at my place after school to practice though." I said.

"I'll stay out here and help blend the songs with you Laurence!" Azura blurted, blushing.

"Oh, okay. Well, seeya later Aph!" Laurence said.

"Bye Laurence! Aaron! Wanna sit with me and the Rossome team?" I asked Aaron as I started walking towards the cafeteria.

"Of course!" He said cheerfully.

Le magical tiem skip to after school at Aphmau's house.... (brought to you by Sky's budder sword)

"We've been making shades of--- what was that next part...?" Laurence asked as he tried to practice his part.

"Somethin somethin.... stressed out...." Aaron mumbled.

"You put fever in me...? Who wrote these lyrics?" Azura asked.

"Guys! Guys! GUYS! We need to focus!" I said loudly, causing everyone to look at me.

"I got an e-mail. We only have two more weeks to practice! Seriously guys! If we can't even focus during PRACTICE then we won't be able to focus during the performance!" I said, getting annoyed.

"Sorry." They muttered.

We kept practicing for the next two weeks until we got it perfect.

Now it's the day of the performance.

Aphmau a YouTuber Story [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now