Chapter 11 Part 1/2

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Tina was back now. Everything felt so much more complete now. If only the "most popular student in the school" would stop being such a jerk. Yes. Maggie. She was one of the biggest jerks in the world, yet she was so popular with the other students. The only way her popularity remains while she bullies other people is because, she does in secret, not in front of all the other students.

Everyone likes her. Everyone except the people she bullies likes her. Everyone except me. My friends and I. She acts all cool and has two friends that are always with her. Friends? More like bodyguards. Savannah and Jessica. She didn't even treat them like friends. I don't get how they can live with Maggie.

Maggie is always so popular. Everyone stares at her when she walks by. But not anymore. Instead of staring at Maggie, everyone is now looking at Ruby. Ruby was now the most adored girl in school and I like that idea. Ruby doesn't seem like she minds too much, but she does get a little uncomfortable. And I can see why. I would feel uncomfortable if a bunch of people were staring at me. I just don't how people even came to like Maggie. I don't even get how she has friends.

>At Lunch<

Abagail, Yolanda, Ruby, Tina, Emily, and I walked to our usual table. We came to see that our table was occupied by Maggie, Savannah, and Jessica. This was our table, and they knew that.

Maggie snorted at the six of us and tormented, "Oh! So the ugly bunch is here to take our table, huh."

I can't believe she said that. Tina was getting angry and Emily was an entirely different story. She wasn't just angry. She laughed. I knew what that meant. She just thought of a perfect way to get rid of those people forever. Of course Emily wasn't really going to do it, but she wanted to really badly.

" Look Maggie. This is our table and you know it," I said.

Maggie took a quick glance at me and said, "Doesn't look like it has your name on it. Why won't you try a different table, maybe you ugly ducklings outta look more carefully next time before taking action."

The six of us decided not to argue with her anymore, so we decided to go find another table to sit at. We headed towards an empty table we saw. When I passed by Maggie on my way to the table, she put her circular lunch pale on the floor right in front of me. I stepped on her lunch pale and slipped! I was just floating in the air for a moment and I fell backwards towards my right. I used my elbow to try and brake my fall, but I think I broke my arm instead.

"Oh my goodness," screamed a gleeful Maggie. "My beautiful lunch pale has footprints all over it! This is all your fault Hope! This lunch pale costed a lot of money! I hope your happy now!" And she started to fake cry.

Everyone was now staring at us. A boy then shouted, "How could you damage Maggie's expensive lunch box!"

Abagail and Yolanda decided to go to the office and call Ms. Hsu over. They left for the office. Everyone else was still looking at Maggie.

What nobody noticed was me. I stood up from the floor, but I couldn't feel my arm. My elbow (the one I used to try and break my fall) was now bleeding very badly. It was bleeding to the point where blood was dripping from my elbow to my fingertips. I felt a piercing pain through my arm, but no one cared. I felt really dizzy and was ready to faint, but no one noticed me. Everyone was trying to comfort Maggie, as she was still pretending to cry. She was great at acting. Could become an actor one day.

Tina, Ruby, and Emily noticed my bleeding arm and my already pale face. They walked over to the office right away supporting the weight of my body that I could no longer hold. When they put my bleeding arm across Emily's shoulder, I screamed in pain. They noticed what had happend so they took me to the nurse's office quickly.

After I had entered the nurse's office, the school nurse, Ms. Longitty, said that I would have to go to the nearby hospital because my injuries were too serious. The school drove, Ruby, Tina, and Emily along with me, to the hospital.

When we arrived at the hospital three minutes, they brought me up to the front desk. The doctor took me to the x-ray room and x-rayed my arm. They found out that I cracked my bone when I was trying to break my fall! They had to put a caste on me.


Thanks for reading! This is only part one of chapter 11 so be sure to read part 2! This chapter is really long so I'm sorry if u like short chapters. Please continue reading! Thank you for reading this far! Please vote/ comment on my book(s)! Hope you like the rest of my story!

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