Chapter Eight- Walks and Talks and punching trees

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This isn't edited please excuse me

The next day I was pretty exhausted. I didn't wake up until noon, and that was only because Percy had broke into my room and jumped on my bed until I pushed him off.

I rolled out of bed and stumbled downstairs just in time to catch the last five minutes of lunch. I silently took my seat next to Nico and bit into my sandwich. The other peculiars looked at me weird, probably because of my introduction yesterday. I honestly can't believe I acted like that. How stupid! Thanks mother for making me so anxious to the point where I can't even talk in front of other human beings.

For some reason however, I didn't feel like I needed to hide from Horace. He was pretty nice. And pretty. After I finished up my sandwich I headed outside. Miss Peregrine sure had picked a nice day to make a loop. The sun was shining and the ocean could be heard over the tall hedges that Fiona probably grew. I approached my fine feathered friend, who was perched in a tree above where Percy and the other kids were playing with a soccer ball.

"Hey Ezra," I called up, shelling my eyes from the sun. "I'm gonna go explore for a while! If I'm not back in like, an hour, could you come find me?" Ezra swung back on the branch so that he was upside down, facing me.

"Are you sure you're okay with being alone? I've heard that the marsh mud was pretty bad out there, Iris." I waved him off. "I'll be fine. I just need some time to think."


Finding a good tree to punch isn't as easy as it sounds. I tromped through the marsh for a good ten minutes before finding one that didn't look like it was going to fall over any time soon. I've always had good fun punching trees. I mean, I love the environment and all, but I had so many emotions to let out and punching a human being would probably get me banned from dessert for a week.

I rested my left hand on the mossy oak, gazing at my right. Concentrating, I felt my skin tingle and turn into metal.


That's for being stupid yesterday. A piece of bark fell off the tree.


That's for not being able to save your friends from the hollow.


That's for all the good music you're missing from the modern world right now.

I let my mind wander for the next hour, creating a decent size crater in the tree. I was about to deliver a powerful punch when I heard a voice behind me.

"Good God, Iris! What did that tree ever do to you?" I yelped, not expecting company. I quickly lost concentration, and the titanium on my skin faded just before my hand hit the tree. A wave of pain travelled up my arm, and I clutched it closely to my body.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" The look on Horace's face showed panic. "Here let me help you!" He pulled a white handkerchief out of his pocket. He gently unfolded my arms from around myself and wrapped my bleeding knuckle in it. "Thanks," I whispered.

He shrugged nonchalantly and guided me away from the tree and towards the home. "So, Iris, why were you trying to kill that tree?" He asked me. I smiled. "I guess I just have lots of emotions to let out, y'know, with everything that happened and all." My smile faded.

Horace seemed to notice my mood. "If you ever need to talk to someone, I'm here for you. I know that we just met and all, but I have a feeling that we're going to be great friends. I hope you know that." All of a sudden, I stopped and wrapped my arms around his neck. He immediately responded, his going around my waist.

"Thank you, Horace. That's exactly what I needed to hear right now. I just blamed myself for all the death and moving to a new loop didn't help. I'm just glad that I have a friend here." His arms tightened around my waist. "I'm always listening, Iris. Just talk to me when you need to."

We walked the rest of the way back to the house in comfortable silence. I don't recall ever being this peaceful.

Hey peeps it's ya fav author here

Ok so long story short I said I'd update and I didn't because we got stuck in New York City for a day but it was really pretty and we got to go to the Empire State Building and I got to walk around Times Square at midnight and we went to the 9/11 memorial and stuff. It was vv coolio

Then we get back and had renovations in our house so yea  but I'm happy bc my rooms a different color

But I love y'all so I stayed up late and wrote a chapter for you guys ❤️❤️❤️

I hoped you liked it and also shameless self promo I just published a Peter Parker story because I fucvahshsgeuin love Tom Holland so it would mean the world to me if you went and checked it out for me ❤️💜💙💚💛🖤💗💓💞

Peace out for now my frens

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