Chapter Nine- Hide and Seek

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Uhh hey y'all :) ok I'm really sorry for not being active, I need to pull my life together and no matter how hard I try it just keeps falling back apart and I'm getting reeeeeaallyy tired of people's bullshit so please excuse my absence and horrible writing :)

The next three weeks were surprisingly ordinary. After realizing that my human body actually needed sleep, I managed to get a good rest every night, except when I decided to stand outside and watch the planes drop bombs on the house with the rest of the children. While getting accustomed to the new loop, I also needed to get accustomed to the new people. And no matter what, I couldn't keep my mind from thinking back to my past, especially my mother.

Back in my old loop, I was the oldest person there (well, oldest outside the loop) and I was used to having most other people avoid me. I would just hang out with Ezra and watch the boys play with the other kids. Now that there were people my age, I didn't really feel comfortable, except for when I was around Horace.

Currently, I was hanging upside down from a tree limb that Fiona grew out for me. I let my platinum hair flow out beneath me. Ugh, I thought, staring down at my fringe. I look so 2007. I really didn't like the way I looked anymore. I had been thinking a whole lot the past three weeks, and there were things I needed to do outside the loop, and I knew that I needed to look as normal as possible in order to do them.

I began to make a mental list of the things I could get on the island. Hair dye. Scissors. Normal clothes, none of this 1940's fashion. A letter. A knife.

I knew that whatever part of my body I turned into metal would transform back into skin, so I knew I could make my facial piercings disappear. I also knew that despite it's creation in 1907, hair dye wasn't sold in stores until 1947, which meant that even if the loop moved with time, it would take seven years to get my hands on the dye. I knew that I would have to go outside the loop for that, as well as for the clothes and to send the letter.

I didn't realize I was lost in my thoughts until someone tapped my forehead from the ground. It surprised my so much that I panicked and fell from the tree. The next thing I knew. I was laying on the ground, staring up at Horace.

"Oh my, Iris! I'm so sorry!" His hand wrapped around mine to pull me up. "It's alright Horace, i just got lost in my thoughts." His smile seemed to wash all the bad thoughts I had been having out and replacing them with a warm, cozy feeling.

"The kids are going to play hide and seek, and they wanted to know if you would play too. I'm just warning you though, you have the entire island to hide on. Hide and seek with them takes hours!" Hours are exactly what I need. "Thats alright. I'm sure I'll be found first anyways." He smiled and turned back to the kids. "Alright everyone, we have ten minutes to hide. Then, Hugh will come to find us!" All of the kids scattered, including Ezra, Percy, and Nico. I looked around to make sure no one was following me, and then I made my way through the underbrush leading to the loop's entrance.

In this chapter you begin to see Iris change. I did this because of how much I decided I hated how I made her look a year ago, and then I molded a new plot around it instead of keeping the one I had wanted to do. I just think the one I have in mind will bring out her dark side and help pull Horace more into her life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2018 ⏰

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