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Ok heyy everyone. I'm almost done with the next chapter, and I apologize for the long wait but life's been so chaotic lately so forgive me. I'm just here to make sure you guys are safe.

As you guys probably know, There have been a lot of chaotic things going on in the U.S. I don't know about other countries, but here it's pretty bad. Hurricane Harvey and Irma have both hit areas in Texas and Florida where I used to live, so I would definitely call them hitting close to home. Even where I live now in Tennessee, we're still being hit and there are a bunch of school delays here because of flooding and wind. I haven't heard from any of my family who have been directly hit by Irma.

I've also seen news reports about the fires on the West Coast.

If you're in either of these zones, I'm begging you to keep safe. Do what you need to do, evacuate, bunker down, I don't care. Just please, please take care of yourselves.

I've seen videos of people doing stupid stuff down in the hurricane zones like waterskiing and to be honest, I probably would be doing the same to an extent. But if you are in imminent danger, please look out for yourself. If you get hurt, please don't try to work it out on your own. Get some help.

All of my prayers are going towards the people who weren't able to evacuate and now have to deal with the damages. I just hope that none of you are in that situation or that if you are, you're in the mellow zone of the effects like I am. All I'm asking is that all of you should take care of yourselves. I love you all.

Stay safe,

•Idk if these are the right ones please correct me xx link in the comments too •

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