Chap. 10- Meet the Other Girl

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Alec: Hello Nikz

Nikka: Hi babe, where are you? you forgot my party?

Alec: no, silly, I'm still at the office, important matters

Nikka: more important than me? 

Alec: No, I'll be there give me 30 mins OK?

Nikka: hurry up OK? mom and dad are looking for you, they want to talk about bussiness again

Alec: OK, see you in a bit, bye!


Alec's mind: what is she doing here? it's late

- Alec saw Jai's work in the computer

Alec's mind: tssskk, I think the work I've given her is so hard, I have so many engagements and she's not even halfway in prioritizing them... but She looks cute sleeping, her little snore seems like music to my ears... 

Alec: HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! rise and shine sleeping beauty, this is an office not a hotel, get up!!!!!

Jai: Oh my, I'm so, so sorry Sir, I didn't mean to, I'm just tired

Alec: so what's the progress in prioritizing my engagements? 

Jai: I'm still working on it

Alec: but you're halfway right?

Jai: Honestly Sir No, I still need a lot of time to arrange your scheds Mr. Dungo

Alec: tssskk, c;mon you'll finish that work tommorrow, tonight let's go to my friend's birthday bash

Jai: what Sir? your friend's birthday bash? I'm so tired I want to go home

Alec: if you'll go home  then GOODBYE CAREER!!! 

Jai: No, I'm still awake, I love going with you to your  friend's birthday bash

Alec: Good!! ^_____________^

*Nikka's party

Alec: Nikzz Happy Birthday, here's my gift

Nikka: aww Babe, You shouldn't have

Jai's mind: Babe? I thought he's single?

Alec:Jai. meet my friend Nikka

Jai's mind: aww friend, duhh what's with the babe thing??

Alec: Nikka, meet Jai my new secretary

Nikka: what? how about ate Anna?

Alec: aww ate Anna is still my secretary, she has so many obligations on her work and family so I decided to get aother secretary to make her workload light

Nikka: aww OK, well hello Alec's secretary, what's your name again?

Alec: her name is Jai

Nikka: ohhh Jai..

Nikka's mind: new secretary?? She should backed off, Alec's mine and mine alone...

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