Chap. 13- Family Affair

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Saturday Morning

-Jai's phone is ringing

Jai: Hello Sir?

Alec: Jai, I want you to do something

Jai: what is that Sir?

Alec: today is my parents 25th wedding anniversary, I decided to put up a party for our close family friends, and I want you to supervise the set up here in our house 

Jai: but boss, I promise my sister we'll watch a movie today

Alec: Jai, this is a work, don't worry I'll give you bonus, I have to invite my parents to go to the mall because this whole thing is a surprise.

Jai: but Sir..

Alec: no buts Ms. Agpangan, do what I say, come to our house now and supervise here, I want everything to be perfect..

Jai: OK, sir, I'll be there in a minute..

Jai's mind:I will meet his parents at last, this revenge will be coming soon, get ready Mr. and Mrs. Dungo, I'll make you pay for what you've done..

Alec's house:

dingdong, dingdong, dingdong

Jai: hi, good morning, I'm Jai, Alec's secretary?

Maid 1: oh Hello, Ms. Jai, Sir Alec's not here he's with his parents but he told us that you'll come to supervise the set up for their surprise party

Jai: Yes,

Maid 1: come in, Ms. Jai, make yourself comfortable, the flowers and the caterer will be here any moment now.

Jai: OK, thank you so much

- The flowers came and they've set up in the garden

Jai: wow, they're so pretty

Maid 2: I agree ms. Jai, Ms. Karen picked the flowers and they've ordered it in France, they really want this party to be one-of-a-kind and special.

Jai: Yes, I'm speechless, they are the most beautiful flowers I've ever seen..

Maid 3: ms. Jai, the caterers are already here, they gonna set-up the tables and chairs

Jai:  yes, please bring them In, it's almost 4, everything should be done by 6 PM

-Alec called.

Alec: Hello Jai? how's the set up?

Jai: everything is fine Sir, the set up is almost done

Alec: good, the visitors will be there any minute now, Me and my Family will be there at exactly 6:30 PM, guide our visitors in their respective tables, at exactly 6:15 PM I want you to put off all the lights including our house, are We clear ms. Agpangan?? 

Jai: Yes Sir, copy!!!

Alec: good, oh by the way, You'll wear something nice for this day, I already gave it to Manang Gilda please get it and fix yourself

Jai: OK sir, thank you

Alec: No prob!!!!


Jai: uhmm, Manang Gilda? Alec said he gave you the clothes that I'll wear for this evening?

Manang Gilda: yes child, it's actually a gown and It's a very pretty one, come with me, Sir Alec instruct me on what to do with you, it's already 5:30 PM so we better hurry

Jai: Manang Gilda, I don't understand

Manag Gilda: just come with me, will you?

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