Chapter 4
A few minutes later Casey and Brandi lit up as each guy walked one behind the other. Siva was first he was so tall and beautiful no wonder he had been a model, then Max was a sight to see his smile lit up the room, Tom came in next he was lean but so adorable and he had turned around towards Nathan laughing. Nathan was the most adorable thing they had ever seen with his beautiful eyes shining as him and Tom shared some inside joke. Lastly but not least was Jay right behind little baby Nath as everyone in the “fanmily” had called him; Jay was magnificent Casey thought as she laid eyes on him. The boys each came over and gave each of the girls a hug and kiss on the cheek. When Jay stopped at Casey she felt like she was going to faint and like her heart would literally pop out of her chest from beating so fast and hard. She prayed that he wouldn’t notice her ever increasing heartbeat as he embraced her in a warm hug and laid a tender kiss upon her already red cheek. Casey felt so embarrassed because she didn’t want to react that way towards anyone let alone someone as perfect and amazing as Jay McGuiness. As Jay’s lips left her cheek their eyes locked as she introduced herself. “I’m Casey, nice to meet you so much!”
He looked at her and she thought she would stop breathing from that look. It was almost as if he was staring at her because he was admiring her. Oh yeah right Casey she thought to herself. She shook her head and just smiled. Jay looked at her and said, “Nice to meet you Casey, thank you for the love and support that you and your friend have given us tonight.” As Casey thought he was done talking to her he looked deep into her eyes and said the most unexpected thing she had ever heard in her life. “Would you excuse me but you have beautiful eyes and I can’t help but stare.”
“Thank you” Casey managed to say back in a breathy tone.
Just then Max interrupted them and their maybe moment. “Hey guys let’s sign some stuff for these beautiful ladies.” Casey looked over at Brandi and she immersed in a conversation with Nathan seeing him smile widely at Brandi. She shook her head and smiled it never took Brandi long to start flirting when she wanted a guy, lucky her. After a little more chatter each of the guys had signed the merchandise they had bought and had even gave them a few things. They each got a copy of each album and some other miscellaneous things the boys were so generous to give them. Casey and Brandi had the chance to take a picture with all the guys and then individually. When Casey was standing by while Brandi got her pictures she saw her face light up when Nathan pulled her into a hug and she giggle. God she was so transparent but I guess she wasn’t really trying to hide it as Casey laughed to herself. Jay walked over beside her and said “Does Nath really look that much of a sloth?” he laughed his beautiful but unique laugh. “I’m just giggling at Brandi and him, she really loves him.”
“I can tell. All the girls really love Nath, he’s so lovable.” He pinched Nathan’s cheek as he walked by and laughed. “What?” Nathan said and Jay just laughed and shrugged.
Next it was Casey’s turn and she took a turn taking pictures with the guys and finally Jay was at her side and as the picture snapped he not only had his arm around her he had planted another kiss on her but this time it was on her lips. Casey gasped into his lips but just let it happen. Just as fast as it happened it was over. She felt clammy and flushed and just looked at him as he walked away. Brandi went over to Casey and said “Dude, he totally wants you.” “No he doesn’t he’s just being nice.”
“Oh my god you are so clueless.” Next thing she knew Nathan was over beside them and talking to Brandi. Casey didn’t hear any of the conversation because she was zeroed in on Jay in the background while he stood next to Siva and Max laughing. Casey wondered to herself whether or not Brandi could actually be right. Could Jay really be into her? Nah…no way! She was suddenly brought back to reality when she heard say “Earth to Casey.” “Yeah, I’m listening.”
Nathan looked at her and said something in her ear and walked away. “Look, Nathan said he was going to talk to the other guys about us coming to the next show with them.”
“What? Is he crazy? We can’t possibly go with them. I have to work and we shouldn’t burden them.”
“I already told that to Nathan but he won’t hear me. He told me he wants to take me out on a proper date.” Brandi sighed and went on. “Can you believe this Nathan Sykes wants to date me? This is total madness, but I’m not questioning it.”