Chapter 6
They hadn’t noticed but Tom had walked back to get his blanket and he stopped and smirked and said a silent finally and turned back around quietly. When he got back to the front he told Max and he seemed happy. They would have to wait until tomorrow to tell everyone else because Siva was asleep holding his phone from talking to Nareesha earlier. He had wanted her to come with them this time but she couldn’t make it but promised him she would meet up with them the next week. Kelsey was going to be on her way tomorrow to see him so Tom was happy about that. They had been apart for a little over a week now. Max needed love in his life again. He was in a way his best mate in the band and was a down right good lad. He left that subject alone though because Max hadn’t been the same since “her” and no one ever really brought her up anymore. Nath looked so content and happy with Brandi resting in his arms and her head on his chest. He had never seen him look so calm and happy even in his sleep. He never looked at Dionne the way he looked at Brandi and everyone saw it. He was like a giddy school boy but it was something amazing that happened inside him and he could see it. Even Jay was starting to be happy now which was so good. These lads deserved happiness because they were all awesome. Tom let his mind drift in and out and finally fell asleep.