Chapter 9
The next few days seemed to fly pretty fast. The boys had gigs and Brandi and Casey spent time sight-seeing and even hung out with Kelsey for a day. After the gigs the boys would all hang around and everyone had fun. It was like a huge family and it was something that was worth getting used to. By Sunday though it was all ending, they were headed home. On the bus ride back Brandi and Nathan made out A LOT! Even cuddled and she knew Jay and her had to say goodbye. The fairytale couldn’t last forever, could it? Jay sat next to her we talked about what would happen with us from here. They argued because he felt like she was dooming in before it really began. She told him how she didn’t expect him to keep in touch and they could part ways and it was fine even though she died a little inside just saying it. He took her in his arms and said, “Casey I don’t want to part ways. We are together and I’m not taking that lightly; when I asked you to be my girlfriend that wasn’t just for the next few days that was meant for good.” She didn’t understand it she was pushing him away all she could and he just wouldn’t go. Maybe that’s what she needed was someone that wouldn’t just leave because in truth she didn’t want him to go but she didn’t want to have any expectations and have it end badly.
It was all tears when we arrived home and they were all saying goodbye. Kelsey, Tom, Siva, Max and Nathan all hugged Casey and she knew it was over. Jay walked up to her and she saw Brandi putting her arms around Nathan and they both started to cry. She looked at Jay even though she was afraid she was going to cry too. It was horrible she thought to herself that she crying over someone that she knew only for a few days. It didn’t seem like she only knew him a few day it felt as if she knew him for years.