A Freashman and A Senior...Love? Chapter 11

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The bell rang and I walked out of the class room.

Travis was waiting out side the door for me, holding something in his hands smirking.

A smile spread across my face. "You did it?"

"Take a look,"

I grabbed the flyer and laughed.

It was the picture of Finn but Travis added a crown and a Miss America sash that says "Miss Loser".

"I love it!"

"I knew you would,"

"Did he change clothes yet?"


"Aw, but he made a very pretty lady,"

Travis laughed and walked me to class.

Finn's Point Of View

That freshman will pay.

She thought I was mean before, she's awaken the devil.

No more mister nice senior.

I needed to get her back, I'll start off slow.

I was walking with her friend; I forget the chick's name. anyway I was walking her to class and listened to her talk.

"Baby, I need a favor,"

"What?" she asked.

"Where does Alex sit?" I asked her playing with her hair.

"Why do you care so much about her?"

"I don't," I kissed on the lips. "I just want payback," I kissed her again. "Where does she sit?" I asked again.

"I'll show you," she smiled and led me in the classroom.

"There," she pointed.

"Thanks," I said taking out the glue.

I purred the glue on the seat and spread it around.

I quickly left the classroom and walked to mine.

On my way I saw flyers of me in a dress and crown and Miss America thing.

She was going to pay, forget about me starting off easy, hell to the no. not anymore.

Now it's really war.

Get ready Alex, get ready.

Alexandra's Point Of View

I walked into my next class and walked to my usually seat.

I sat down and took out my homework.

I didn't really pay attention to the teacher I was thinking about my next attack on Finn.

The bell rang and when I went to get up I couldn't.

I tried again but nothing.

"Finn!" I said out loud.

He glued my butt to the seat. Asshole.

What do I do?

"Um, Mr. Brown?"

"Yes, Alexandra?"

"I'm stuck,"

"What do you mean?"

"My butt is glued to the seat,"

"How did that happen?" he asked walking over to me as he did Travis walked in.

"Alex, are you okay?"

"No, I'm glued to the seat,"

"How did that happen?"

"Take a wild guess,"

"Gotcha," he said walking over to me and Mr. Brown.

Travis put his hands on my waist and tried lifting me up, but I didn't move.

"Do you have Finn's pants?" Travis asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"Change into those,"

"But what about my skirt?"

"I won't worry about that right now, you have bigger fish to fry,"

"True, but I can't change here"

"Can you stand up?" Mr. Brown asked.

"I think so," I said trying to stand up. I did so successfully.

"Can you walk to the bathroom like that?"

"I can try," I said.

Travis walked next to me incase I fell. Walking like this wasn't fun, it was painful actually.

I walked out of the classroom and into the busy hallway.

"Travis, I barley walk down the hallway without this desk attacked to me how can I walk down it with the desk?"

"I have an idea," he said. "Sit down,"

"I am sitting"

"You know what I mean,"

I smiled as I placed the desk on the ground.

Travis got on the chair. "Attention! I would like to let all the guys know what there are hot girls out side in bikinis and ladies my female friend said that there are sexy ass guys out side too,"

In seconds the hallway was clear.

"Damn, you're good," I smiled.

"I try, now let's go, we don't have much time,"

Travis and I went to the nearest bathroom as fast as we could.

Travis went into the girls' bathroom with me and helped me take off my skirt.

It was almost off when he started to laugh.



"No tell me,"

"Fine, I didn't know it was this hard to get in your pants"

I hit his head as he laughed. "That's not funny,"

"I know, I sorry," he said as I slid out of the pants.

I pulled on Finn's shorts and rolled the top of them making them shorter.

"I'm going to return this desk," Travis said.

"Okay, I'll see you at lunch," I said as he carried the chair out.

I walked out of the bathroom and down to the cafeteria on my way I saw Finn.

He saw me to and glared at me. I glared back and we walked up to each other.

"Aw, what happened to your pretty dress?"

"What happened to your desk, it hid your fat ass well,"

"Why would you glue my ass to a desk?"

"Why would steal my clothes? Listen freshman, I don't think you know who your dealing with. If you thought I was mean before then you have no idea what's a head,"

"Hit me with your best shoot,"

"I wont miss,"


"You really have no idea who your messing with kid,"

"I think I do, I'm just not afraid of you, you can call me names, turn the whole school against me but I can take it. This little game were playing is nothing,"

"Well, lets turn this game into war, the battle is over, fresh meat,"

"Good, I was getting bored,"

He smirked. "Hold on tight,"

"It's gonna be a bumpy ride,"

We bumped into each others shoulders as we walked passed each other.



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