A Freshman and A Senior...Love? Chapter 20

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The next morning I woke up and got ready for school.

Today was going to make things right.

I finished getting ready and headed up to the school.

I heard a car horn honk and I turned around to see who was honking.

It was Finn.

"Hey, need a ride?" he asked.

"Um, sure, thanks," I said getting in the passenger side.

Finn drove me to school with little conversation.

Once we reached the school I walked to my locker.

Sure enough there was Travis, with a smiled on his face, waiting for me.

"Hey beautiful," he said kissing me.

"Travis I have something to tell you,"

"What's up?"

"I haven't been the best girlfriend in the last two days, and that's not fair to you. So I think we should just take a break, until I figure things out," I said looking into Travis pain filled eyes.

I felt awful, but I could lie to him.

Travis doesn't deserve that.

He smiled slightly and pulled me into a hug. "Thank you for being honest with me,"

"I'm so sorry Travis,"

"It's cool, I guess, along as we can be friends,"

"Duh," I smiled.


I got what I need from my locker and Travis and I walked to my first period class.


The enter day it feels like Finn and I have been flirting with each other.

When we see each other in the hall way, he would wink at me and I would smile.

At lunch from the table I was sitting I could see Finn and his friends.

He looked over at me and raised his ice tea. I smiled and raised my chocolate milk. We both smiled at each other with our drinks in the air, then took a slip of it.

It was weird yes, but it was nice. Finn and I were starting to get along, and I liked it.

Finn drove me home that day.

We said our good byes and went into our houses.


The next day Finn gave me ride to school again.

Once we reached school Carey saw standing near by Finn's parking spot.

I sighed and Finn groaned in annoyance.

She smiled at him as he pulled in the spot, but once she saw me she frowned and glared at me.

"Finny," she smiled once we got out of the car.

I walked way and headed to my locker.

Travis was there as always.


"What's up?" I asked opening my locker.

"The fair is coming soon, are you going?" he asked.

"Yeah, I go every year with my mom,"

"Cool, so, I'll see you there,"

"Yeah, we can hang out,"


I smiled as we walked to my locker.

I saw Carey, with her arms wrapped around Finn as they walked in the hallway.

For some odd sick reason that bothered me.

I kept walking and didn't let Carey bother me.

When Travis and I reached my class room I gave him a hug and walked inside.

Then Carey walked in.

She glared at me and walked over. "Stay away from Finn,"

"Is he yours?"


"Really? Cause he told me he was single,"

Her cheeks turned pink. "Just do as I say,"

"No, cause, you don't own me and you don't own Finn. I can talk to whoever I want to talk to and I don't want to talk to you,"

She looked at me shocked.

"You haven't change have you, Alex?"

"No, but you have and you look like a damn fool,"

"Whatever, just watch your back," she said walking away.

I wasn't afraid of Carey, but should I be?


After school Finn drove me home as always.

"So, are you going to the fair?" he asked out of the blue.

"Yeah, you?"

"Yeah, so, I'll see you there,"




"Are you going with Travis?"

"No, we're, um, taking a break," I said looking out the window.


"Because, I felt bad, about kissing you and ... Travis doesn't deserve that, so I broke it off, for now,"

"So, you broke up with him because of me?" Finn asked pulling into his drive way.

"I guess,"

"Alex, look at me,"

"Why? Can I leave now?"

"No, look at me,"

I looked over at him. "I'm looking at you,"

"Tell me honestly, did you feel anything in that kiss?"

"In what kiss?"

"This kiss," Finn said crashing his lips on mine.

After awhile he pulled away. "Well?" he breathed.

I looked away. "Nothing,"

Finn smirked. "Liar,"

"I'm not lying," I snapped looking at him again.

"Yes, you are, you didn't look me in the eye,"


"You felt something, admit it,"

"I have nothing to admit,"

"Then look me in the eye and tell me that you don't feel anything between us,"

I looked Finn in the eye, but I couldn't say it.

Finn smirked and kissed me again. "Alex," he said looking me in the eye. "Tell me,"

"I can't," I whispered.

He smiled and got out of the car.

I followed him and walked home.



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