A Freshman and A Senior...Love? Chapter 31

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"Mm, Alex," I heard Finn sigh.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked up at him. He was fast asleep with his arms around me.

I smiled to myself as I thought of the most prefect plan.

I slowly got out his grasp and tip toed over to my dresser.

I grabbed eyeliner and got on top of him.

"Oh Alex," Finn muttered.

I gave him a weird look. He was talking in his sleep.

I quickly applied the liner on his eyes and tried not to wake him up.

"Do that again," he muttered.

I tried not to laugh. I didn't want to wake him up.

Once I was finished with my masterpiece I threw my eyeliner at my dresser.

"Alex," Finn muttered once again.

"Okay, that's it. Finn, wake up!" I said shaking him.

"What is it, woman,"

"We need to talk about your wet dreams dear,"

"What are you talking about?"

"Alex, oh Alex, do that again," I said mocking him.

"Shut up," he blushed.

"Dude, you were talking in your sleep and it was hilarious,"

He blushed harder. "This never leaves this room,"

"Whatever, what were you dreaming about?"


"No, I want to know,"

"How about I'll show you?" he smirked.

Finn kissed me. I ran my fingers threw his hair and held him close to me.

He rolled us over and pressed his lips hard on mine.

Our lips moved as one.

I pulled his shirt off and let my hands linger on his chest.

My alarm clock went off and Finn and I jumped.

I laughed and Finn joined me.

We got up and started to get ready for school.

I pulled on a pair of jeans as Finn went to the bathroom.

"Alex!" Finn yelled.

I quickly put on my shirt and walked into the bathroom.


"What the hell is this shit on my face?" he asked.


"Baby, why?"

"You look hot," I smiled.

"I looked like a damn clown,"

I rolled my eyes as he tried to get it off his face. "It's not coming off,"

"Try this, it's make up remover," I said handing him a bottle.

He graded it and purred it in his hands.

I left the bathroom and went back to my room to finish getting ready.

"How do you not poke your eye out?" Finn asked.

"Practice, my dear," I said. "Want to try?"

"No, that shit is too hard to get off,"

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