A Freshman and A Senior...Love? Chapter 19

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"Hey Justin," I smiled.

"Hey, Alex, care to explain?" he asked.

"Everyone calls me baby, right Finn?"

"Yeah, well, only her close friends do,"

"But I thought you two didn't like each other,"

"We don't," we said together.

"Okay, um, what can I get you two?"

"I'll have a chicken salad wrap with fries and an ice tea," I smiled.

"I have a burger with large fries and a coke," Finn said handing him our menus.

"Coming up shortly," Justin said walking away.

"That was a close one, you need to stop calling me baby,"

"But, everyone calls you baby,"

"Shut up,"

Finn laughed. "I'll stop for now,"

"Thank you,"

We sat there in silence for a while.

"Oh shit," Finn said suddenly.


"Carey's here,"


"So, she can't see me, she's been trying to get in my pants for weeks,"


"I know, tell me when she's gone,"

"Okay," I said.

I watched Carey walked out of the café and cross the road.

"She's gone," I said.

"Thanks," he said sitting up again.

"Yup," I said.

Justin came with our food and we eat in silence.

As I eat I felt Finn's eyes on me.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing, it's just...never mine," he said looking away.

Once we were finished we went back to my house and started to clean up.

Once we were done we lied on the sofas and relaxed.

"When are your parents coming home?"

"Tomorrow," Finn said.

"When are my parents coming home?"


"Okay," I sighed as I slowly drifted a sleep.

Finn's Point Of View

Once Alex fell asleep I went into her room and start my pay back.

Alexandra's Point Of View

When I woke up I heard the front door open.

I sat up and saw my parents walk in.

"Alexandra, hi honey," my mom said hugging me.


"Did you and Finn behave?" my dad asked.

"Yes, we did," Finn said coming down stairs.

"Thanks, for stay with her," my mom said.

"It was my pleasure," Finn said winking at me.

"Bye, Alex,"

"Bye," I waved as he walked out.

I stood up and walked to my room.

I took off my clothes, so I was in my underwear.

I walked over to my balcony wear my art stuff should be and they weren't there.

I looked around in my room and they weren't there.

I looking in my closet and found that my clothes weren't there.

"Finn," I hissed.

I grabbed a hoddie and ran over to his house.

I banged on the door and waited impatiently for Finn to answer the door.

"What?" he asked opening the door, showing my his shirtless body.

"You stole my clothes, which I could careless about but you stole my art, which is a no-no. Give them back,"

"I don't know what your talking about lady,"

"Don't play that,"

"Play what?"

"Your so irritating,"

"And your cute when your mad,"

I pushed him out of the way and ran upstairs to Finn's room.

Finn ran after me.

I ran into his room and closed the door.

I looked around to find my art stuff.

Finn came into his room and smiled.

"It's not in here,"

"Where is it?"

"I don't know,"

"Don't play this bullshit game with me, where the hell are my stuff?"

"I don't know,"

I pushed him up against the wall.

"Where. Is. My. Art?" I stared Finn in his eyes.


"Thank you," I said running over to his closet.

I found my clothes and my art.

I sighed and smiled at my babies.

"Never do that again," I said standing up.

"Don't go into my room invited,"

"I'm sorry, okay,"

"Yeah, me too, I didn't mean to give you a heart attack,"

"It's okay, as long as you didn't ruin them in anyway,"

"I didn't. Your really good by the way,"

"Thanks," I smiled.

"No problem," he smiled.

I didn't realize that he was walking over to me and I was walking over to him.

We meet in the middle and smiled.

Before I could I do anything, Finn captured my lips.

He backed me up against the door and unzipped my hoddie and took it off.

I pulled him closer to me and he lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist.

I pulled away and Finn moved his lips to my neck.

"Finn," I said. Trying to get him to stop. But his didn't stop.

He moved the kiss down to my chest and kissed the top of my bra.

"Finn," I tried again.

He walked over to the bed and put me down on the bed and continued to kiss my neck.

"Finn," I said again.

"Forget about him, for a few over minutes," he mumbled against my neck.

"I can't,"

"Yes, you can,"

"No," I said pushing Finn off of me.

I pulled on my hoddie and grabbed my art stuff and most of my clothes and left.

I raced to my room, tripping a few times.

Once in my room I changed into my boxers and tank top and lied on my bed.

I'm confused.

I'm scared.

I'm in love?



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